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It is strange how the Cap Supply varies from place to place. Over here, a couple of years ago no one had them and profiteers were selling them on Naturabuy (Ebay for Frenchies into guns) in bags of ten for 5 euros! Now the supply is pretty constant. the prices are still way higher than yours - 30 euros for a tin of 11's and 25 Euros for a tin of musket caps. I can never work out why the musket caps are cheaper...
if the price difference is a major concern just install musket nipples on your long rifles. me my self I keep a set of musket and a modified nipples for my rifles so I can take advantage of whatever is available I never run low
Visiting my mom in Va. and walked through the sporting goods section at Walmart.

I picked up a few tins.
It is strange how the Cap Supply varies from place to place. Over here, a couple of years ago no one had them and profiteers were selling them on Naturabuy (Ebay for Frenchies into guns) in bags of ten for 5 euros! Now the supply is pretty constant. the prices are still way higher than yours - 30 euros for a tin of 11's and 25 Euros for a tin of musket caps. I can never work out why the musket caps are cheaper...
Probably just from less demand.

Just look at 22 short ammo compared to 22 long rifle.

Logic says the short should cost LESS money because there's less brass less powder and less lead.... But demand says that the 22 short ammo commands the premium price
I remember Walmart stores near me stocking muzzle loader gear but they haven't done so in a long time, at least around here.
Probably just from less demand.

Just look at 22 short ammo compared to 22 long rifle.

Logic says the short should cost LESS money because there's less brass less powder and less lead.... But demand says that the 22 short ammo commands the premium price
Same for .410 shotshells. Less everything but most expensive and harder (if not impossible
) to find.

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