Blackpowder for Defense?

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54ball said:
One thing that has not been discussed on this thread is a situation where you find yourself having to defend yourself and others with a muzzleloader.
No, it hasn't and that is a completely different topic.

We could list any number of obscure scenarios, and yes, people should use whatever they have at their disposal, be it BP or a rock.
Claude said:
"Life and death is serious business."

Damned right!

I live iin a rual area and it would be durn near ueless to call a cop if trouble happens. I keep some guns loaded for errant bears, dogs, varmints, bad guys. None of them are black powder arms. The only reason I can see to use a BP gun for defence is if it is the only thing handy at the moment. If you are SERIOUS about self devence get a multi shot something and learn to use it.
Not only learn to use your weapon of choice, but mentally be willing to use it when it' called for.
well folks i havent read all of the posts but here is my opnion, first of all i do have concealed carry permit and do carry often. in a life or death situation a modern handgun or longgun is the best choice however if all a person has available is a blackpowder firearm by all means use it. i have 2 b p cap and ball revolvers and for 6 shots they are as good as any modern revolver but the reload is slow. i would use my 12 bp double bbl shotgun like the revolvers for 2 shots it is as good as any modern double but as usual the reload is very slow. in a life or death situation myself i will use anything i have to defend my self, guns, ball bats , golfclubs, knives hammers, screwdriver it is not really important what you use as long as you win and survive yours hounddog
hounddog said:
... however if all a person has available is a blackpowder firearm by all means use it.
I think we all agree that a person should use whatever is at hand.

That's not the issue.
hey jack i confess to being to lazy to read all 105 plus posts what in your opnion is the issue we should be discussing. i have my own opinions about everything but i do not get upset if someone dosnt agree with me. please reply with your thoughts i am always will to listen and leard yours hounddog
This come back to the discussions on things like survival knives or first aid.

You are limited to what you have at hand when an event occurs.

If I happen to have a muzzleloader when a problem arises that is what I will defend myself with. Or a hookaroon while cutting logs or a hammer while attaching siding (which brings to mind the time the squirrels ran out of an eaves when I was laying on my back in an attic repairing a roof - not a pretty sight but I won).

But I do not keep a loaded muzzleloader in the nightstand for when something goes bump in the night. Or in my waistband when I am fishing.
Well, you see, if you had your cap and ball revolver tucked neatly into your waste band like you should at all times the squirrels wouldn't have made it difficult for you.

Not only would you have won the contest easily but the added light shining thru the many holes you added to your roof would have helped you see what needed repairing and what did not.

I have been known to keep a couple a fully loaded black german shepards around the house , now they go off every time . :thumbsup:
We can'keep or use any firearms for selfdefence so it is not an issue for me , were I ALLOWED TO BY LAW HERE WOULD I ? maybe if I did it would be the best that I could afford and constant training would be a must . Any defence must be a layered thing and the first line must absolutly be that high speed computer between the ears, if thats not up to speed you are grass and the bad guy is a lawnmower .
I haven't read all twelve pages of this thread so forgive me if this is a repeat.

First of all, if you shot someone with a BP load even in self-defense, the lawyers would have a field day. You would be established as a deranged wacko gun fanatic. And all that those attorneys want is all that you've got. The jury they would select would be singing Kumbaya during recess. Don't do it! Use only modern guns loaded with readily available (nothing fancy) smokeless self-defense rounds.

Trust me, I'd love nothing better than to be able to carry my 1973 Colt single action armies or an 1860 Colt percussion revolver. Those guns feel like an extension of my body after having won my class in dozens of local CAS meets, a state championship and two regional meets.
M.D. said:
Must just be me, I've been shooting them for almost fifty years...

If I live to shoot for 50 years I'm sure the law of averages will catch up to me. I've been shooting cap and ball revolvers less than a tenth of your time.

Never had a rifle or shotgun cartridge fail to fire but have had several smokeless handgun rounds fail to fire over the years. Maybe 1 per two thousand, if that much.
No I do not. My premise is based upon information given to me at the time of my concealed carry class. I am confident that my instructor and long time friend is a dependable authority after having worked with Denver area police departments for over thirty years. He even insisted that you not use self-defense ammunition that you personally reloaded as this is a clear demonstration to lawyers and juries that you are a potential nut case. Even if this is mere conjecture, why take the chance?
Regardless of the gun or ammo used, the lawyers are going to attempt to destroy one's character in any way they can.

Do y'all notice something here? Same concerns as our troops have in the field. Folks are becoming increasingly more fearful of their own government coming after them than the people that would do them harm.

A good attorney can easily educate a jury about hand loads and black powder guns, don't let the Ayoob's out there deter you.
To date, as explained by an attorney who deals with self defense issues, there has never been a case where the ammunition or type of firearm have been questioned in court. However, the circumstances surrounding a shooting in self defense have been questioned.

A second news story illustrating the fallacy of "they will run after the first shot is fired."

Wash. homeowner shoots, wounds drugged-out intruder.

An Washington state homeowner shot a drugged-out intruder who entered his home while he was asleep with his wife early Sunday. reports that the suspect, Brian L. Creed, entered the home and started walking down a hallway toward the homeowner, who was standing outside his bedroom door.

When the 24-year-old homeowner told the suspect to stop, Creed allegedly charged the homeowner, prompting him to fire a shot at the intruder, the station reported.

Creed then allegedly tackled the homeowner and the two were involved in a physical altercation until the homeowner was able to hold the suspect at gunpoint until authorities arrived.

Investigators told that Creed had recently moved into a nearby house and admitted to having used methamphetamine earlier in the day.

Creed was reportedly treated at a nearby hospital. The homeowner was not injured.

Read more:

IMHO, the homeowner had a guardian angel looking out for him, as meth heads often exhibit near supernatural strength in these types of encounters.

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