Blackpowder for Defense?

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I've also had to draw on some one a cpl times the 1st time I was in the 6th grade while folks were at work they worked nights and I was babysitting my younger sister and brother. I had a single action revolver the hammer being cocked inbthe dark with no background noise sounded like the loudest noise in the world at that time. The guy stopped halfway thrum the bedroom window asked if it was loaded I said yep and he left. I called the cops and my folks and was told to wait with the lights on until the sheriff got there. It was the longest 30 min of my life. About 5 min after the older sheriff arrived a younger one showed up. He said he got a call saying an under age kid wasnwaiving a gun around and came to get it. The older sheriff proceeded to tell him what happened and they went to get the caller. Turned out the caller thought he couldnget the pistol taken away and was planning on coming back. Another. Thing to think on ifnwere talking percentage 50% of all 1st shots are misses. Practice not to miss
Rifleman1776 said:
Separate the hobby from life.

We already have. For most of us, muzzle loading is far more imporant and serious than life and death.

And not a well kept secret either. :shocked2:
In another life my motto was,"When you care enough to send the very best."
It sorta applies here, and the very best is not a BP anything.
Already mentioned, a bad idea. :td:
The one you have in your hand at a time of need is the one that counts. Training , mindset and disiplne are going to win the day not a hypothetical pissing contest . :)
1601phill said:
The one you have in your hand at a time of need is the one that counts. Training , mindset and disiplne are going to win the day not a hypothetical pissing contest . :)
Pissing contest?

Maybe some will find this amusing. Around the year 1885 my g-g-grandmother was awakened by a man climbing through the bedroom window of her Appalachian log cabin. She was alone, her husband was in the coal mine, and there were no lights or guns in the cabin.

She reached down beside the bed and picked up a chamber pot, loaded with liquid and solids, and dashed the whole contents into the intruders face. Next came a torrent of cursing and profainity, followed by the sound of heavy footsteps running down a trail to the nearby creek and ended with the loud splash of a body hitting the water. The intruder was never identified nor did he return.

As you said, what you have in hand at the time of need...
As you said, what you have in hand at the time of need... 

It helps the odds a great deal if what is in your hand is what you need.
I repeat BP, bad idea.
ebiggs said:
As you said, what you have in hand at the time of need... 

It helps the odds a great deal if what is in your hand is what you need.
I repeat BP, bad idea.
So I should go out and buy a glock. An action sure to cause all sorts of discontent and anger in my home.
I know my single action colt clone is not the best choice, but it is my only option in my circumstances.

I have come to the heart of the matter of why modern guns are so much of an issue for my sweety. They are 'war weapons' in her mind. Black powder guns are not useful for war, they are 'hunting guns' to her, so they are not a big deal in my home for her.
I have seen her go into a near panick attack when someone had a semi auto that wasn't a cop. I am not putting her through the stress. I will just suck it up and use a BP revolver for a side arm.
Your choice is proper and easily understood, and your not comprimised by much, your own experiance has proven it.
I remember your story.

ebiggs just has a one track mind and not easily swayed.

There are a number of factors that makes an
Individuals Choice, what it is.
No matter what the choice, it is the Individuals. :wink:
If you truly want a reliable handgun that shouldn't cause any great furor at your house give strong consideration to buying a Ruger Blackhawk in .45 Colt caliber. (Yes, I know I'm not supposed to speak of modern guns but it's impossible to make a suggestion without naming it.)

As far as the operation and size/shape they aren't a great deal different than a 1858 Remington New Army cap & ball pistol.
There is very little difference between these and the opentop Colt your carrying.
If they were made after 1980 all 6 chambers can be loaded safely. A hammer interlock prevents a blow from the hammer from firing the gun unless the trigger is pulled.
Used, they can be found in the $250 price range.
Cynthialee said:
So I should go out and buy a glock. An action sure to cause all sorts of discontent and anger in my home.

I have come to the heart of the matter of why modern guns are so much of an issue for my sweety. They are 'war weapons' in her mind. Black powder guns are not useful for war, they are 'hunting guns' to her, so they are not a big deal in my home for her.

I have seen her go into a near panick attack when someone had a semi auto that wasn't a cop. I am not putting her through the stress. I will just suck it up and use a BP revolver for a side arm.

So will you be hunting, or going to war with home invaders? You may only need the Glock, FN, Sig, or whatever, for home defense only once in your life, but at that time you WILL be going to war against the criminals assaulting you and yours.

Do you want to face a bottom feeder carrying a bottom feeder with a 15 round capacity, while you limit your survivability by equipping yourself with anything less than what is carried by your aggressors? Not if you value your life and the life of your sweety.

Would you rather put her through the stress of having a modern semiauto or the "stress" of seeing you murdered after which she might well be brutally raped and murdered.

The only way to prevail against the criminal assault is to turn the tables on them by assaulting them...putting them on the defensive by applying ruthless, overwhelming force to end the criminal assault. You can't do that with an antiquated, outdated, and relatively unreliable BP firearm with limited rounds and a nonexistent capability for a fast reload.

I might add that most cops are NOTas well trained as most people think. Many, probably most, only receive about the same training as someone who takes a Concealed Carry class. Many agencies only train to avoid liability issues, should their officers kill or injure a criminal or the officers themselves are injured. I speak from personal experience in this last matter.

I speak from the experience of private training by people who have been there, done that, and have prevailed, on the other aspects of my posts.

And though Mr. Biggs may be single minded on his opinions expressed in this thread, He is absolutely right. Expecting to prevail against an assault by determined criminals with a BP revolver, any single action revolver, or even a single double action revolver is nothing more than very deadly wishful thinking.
You've been watching alot of TV haven't you, :shocked2:
Your post above is struin with bias fact. I'm not going to bother offering rebutt for each statement cause you know darn well there is, but it's laden with "My way or the Highway" info.

You might want to dig in some past posts but the girl your informing about how great info from
"guy's that have been there" is,?,
Has already been there herself Brother!
Well, Cindy, I don't agree with your sweeties opinion on modern weapons but this is America and everyone has a right to their opinion. So, you gotta do what you gotta do. In any successful relationship there must be give and take. Here's hoping you never have to defend your home from a scumball but here's also hoping that if you do have to defend your home, you send the scumball to hell with black powder burns right between his eyes.
necchi said:
You've been watching alot of TV haven't you, :shocked2:
Your post above is struin with bias fact. I'm not going to bother offering rebutt for each statement cause you know darn well there is, but it's laden with "My way or the Highway" info.

You might want to dig in some past posts but the girl your informing about how great info from
"guy's that have been there" is,?,
Has already been there herself Brother!

I am in a somewhat of a high risk job working, one on one, with criminals on a daily basis. With that in mind, I sought better training than my agency offers. The people I trained with have far more experience than I, and probably you do.

The bottom line is, if someone attempts to "defend" against an attacker, without going on the offensive, the attacker will eventually break through the "defense" to the detriment of the "defender" and his loved ones.

It has been said the best defense is a good offense. With that in mind, the only thing that will stop a determined attacker is overwhelming force. IMHO, Anyone who believes otherwise is a victim in waiting.

What you refer to as my attitude of "it's my way or the highway" is based on the reality of the level of threat I deal with each day, and my experience with the criminals I deal with on a daily basis, rather than wishful thinking.

If someone who has been there and done that insists on using less that first line equipment to defend oneself and loved ones, I have to wonder about that person's judgement.

If someone insists in betting their life and the lives of their loved ones by using sub standard weaponry for their defense, that's ok by me. I'm not the one who has to live with the consequences.
Billnpatti said:
Well, Cindy, I don't agree with your sweeties opinion on modern weapons but this is America and everyone has a right to their opinion. So, you gotta do what you gotta do. In any successful relationship there must be give and take. Here's hoping you never have to defend your home from a scumball but here's also hoping that if you do have to defend your home, you send the scumball to hell with black powder burns right between his eyes.

i agree wholeheartedly.

while i would rather use a buckshot dispensing device (every bad guy in the world knows what happens after "schlack schlack), my Ruger Old Army is handy, loaded, and i know that the roundball will go through and through a 55 gallon drum, so it should make more than enough hole in the average bad guy. i haven't actually tested it on a real bad guy (they're not very plentiful around here) but unless he's wearing two 55 gallon drums, he's in big trouble.

a free opinion, and no doubt well worth the price.
"A snubby Walker loaded with wadcutters might be nice."
Yeah, if you want to set the house on fire and die from smoke inhalation! :rotf: MD
Well this thread took on a life of its own! Thanks to those of you who shared how you use your black powder arms for defensive purposes. That's what I was interested in with this thread. To those of you who don't that's fine too. Personally I don't care what you chose to defend yourself with, that's your choice. :) To each his own.
See there? There is common ground we can agree on. :thumbsup:

You are correct, sir!

BTW, Cynthialee, I don't care for a Glock. :(

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