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Blowing down barrel after each shot

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Musketman said:
Well, at least they're not peeing down the barrel to clean between shots... :shocked2: :haha:

Don't tell me that's a no no! :nono: :rotf:
Musketman said:
My biggest fear/concern about blowing down the barrel is when a kid sees someone do this, especially a young child...

Look Tommy, I snuck my dad's .357 Magnum out of the house without him knowing it... Cool, I seen my Uncle Musketman do this once, watch me blow down the barrel like he does...

Are we sending a message to the kids that it is safe to put gun barrels in our mouths?

Sure, we know it's not loaded, but what about a child that happens to be at the range with their parent who sees you from the other end of the firing line?

WOW,you know whats scarier that someone blowing down a barrel????. It's when an actual gun owner applies liberal anti-gun "logic" to "justify" a LAW intended to "save us from ourselves". You know, the one like

"My biggest fear/concern about people owning guns is when a kid see's where his dad keeps the gun, especialy a young child....

"Look Tommy, I snuck my dad's .357 Magnum out of the house without him knowing it....Cool, I watched "leathal weapon" last night, I'm Mel Gibson BANG BANG........uh oh...." :shocked2: :shake: :shake: .

Gonna be hard to win the right to keep arms when some of our own believe the premiss behind the rhetoric. Blowing down an empty pipe is tame by comparison.

Squire Robin said:
I have a deep mistrust of rules designed to protect you from yourself. They are usually thought up by lawyers, accountants and busy bodies with no life of their own. They rarely take fun in to consideration :thumbsup:

:bow: :bow: :bow: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
and they often have an omnipotent attitude

Although I have heard the "glowing ember" theory I still cannot figure out why a full grown man who is familiar with firearms and what they are capable of doing would want to stick a gunbarrel into their mouth. :youcrazy:

It just goes against everything my dad taught me about handling firearms.

As for "softening the powder" IMO one would have to blow a lot more air down the barrel than one breath to have any measurable effect, and even if this worked, IMO there are a number of ways to do this without sticking a gunbarrel into ones mouth.

Jus ole'Zonies 2 cents worth.
Cody said:
Musketman said:
My biggest fear/concern about blowing down the barrel is when a kid sees someone do this, especially a young child...

Look Tommy, I snuck my dad's .357 Magnum out of the house without him knowing it... Cool, I seen my Uncle Musketman do this once, watch me blow down the barrel like he does...

Are we sending a message to the kids that it is safe to put gun barrels in our mouths?

Sure, we know it's not loaded, but what about a child that happens to be at the range with their parent who sees you from the other end of the firing line?

WOW,you know whats scarier that someone blowing down a barrel????. It's when an actual gun owner applies liberal anti-gun "logic" to "justify" a LAW intended to "save us from ourselves". You know, the one like

"My biggest fear/concern about people owning guns is when a kid see's where his dad keeps the gun, especialy a young child....

"Look Tommy, I snuck my dad's .357 Magnum out of the house without him knowing it....Cool, I watched "leathal weapon" last night, I'm Mel Gibson BANG BANG........uh oh...." :shocked2: :shake: :shake: .

Gonna be hard to win the right to keep arms when some of our own believe the premiss behind the rhetoric. Blowing down an empty pipe is tame by comparison.
Musketman is a big boy and will certainly speak for himself, but I for one don't agree with your characterization at all...there's no parallel at all between the common sense expressed by MM and what you translated it into.

My Wife and I raised a terrific Son and Daughter into safe, responsible, gun owning, whitetail shooting, concealed carry authorized, adults and we sure didn't do it by ignoring common sense.

roundball said:
Cody said:
Musketman said:
My biggest fear/concern about blowing down the barrel is when a kid sees someone do this, especially a young child...

Look Tommy, I snuck my dad's .357 Magnum out of the house without him knowing it... Cool, I seen my Uncle Musketman do this once, watch me blow down the barrel like he does...

Are we sending a message to the kids that it is safe to put gun barrels in our mouths?

Sure, we know it's not loaded, but what about a child that happens to be at the range with their parent who sees you from the other end of the firing line?

WOW,you know whats scarier that someone blowing down a barrel????. It's when an actual gun owner applies liberal anti-gun "logic" to "justify" a LAW intended to "save us from ourselves". You know, the one like

"My biggest fear/concern about people owning guns is when a kid see's where his dad keeps the gun, especialy a young child....

"Look Tommy, I snuck my dad's .357 Magnum out of the house without him knowing it....Cool, I watched "leathal weapon" last night, I'm Mel Gibson BANG BANG........uh oh...." :shocked2: :shake: :shake: .

Gonna be hard to win the right to keep arms when some of our own believe the premiss behind the rhetoric. Blowing down an empty pipe is tame by comparison.

I for one don't agree with your characterization at all...there's no parallel at all between the common sense expressed by MM and what you translated it into.

Roundball, your absolutly right. How silly of me. There's no way a young child would get off TWO shots with a .357. Thanks for pointing that out for me. My bad.

As I've said before, kids seem to have a fascination with muzzleloading guns.
They watch everything you do when your loading and shooting. Especially if they are not your own kids.
They know these guns are different but they don't know the slightest thing about the dangers envolved with them.
If they see a grown man stick the gunbarrel in his mouth then doing so must be ok or the grown man wouldn't be doing that.
They do not understand the gun is not loaded. All they understand is this is what needs to be done.

They also understand (in a limited way) that movies are make believe but the guy sticking the gunbarrel into his mouth is real.

I, for one do not want to mislead some kid into thinking that sticking a gunbarrel into their mouths is acceptable behavior for any reason let alone that some old guy once said that this is the way to do things.
I've always wondered about the softening of the stuf in the barrel by blowing using a blow tube. The information on this was given to me first hand by the owner of C.Sharps in Montana. Course he was selling me a blow tube at the time. Never got a chance to use it as I've been using smokeless powder in my 45/70, 30" Sharps from Shilo arms.

Anyway the owner of C. Sharps is a very nice fellow. Took the time to even dismantal and fix my buddies antique Sharps free of charge. The blow tube with the 45/70 casing attatched to it sure makes for conversation.
Zonie said:
Although I have heard the "glowing ember" theory I still cannot figure out why a full grown man who is familiar with firearms and what they are capable of doing would want to stick a gunbarrel into their mouth. :youcrazy:

It just goes against everything my dad taught me about handling firearms.

As for "softening the powder" IMO one would have to blow a lot more air down the barrel than one breath to have any measurable effect, and even if this worked, IMO there are a number of ways to do this without sticking a gunbarrel into ones mouth.

Jus ole'Zonies 2 cents worth.

Pull up a stump and pass the burbon, Zonie.

This whole "blowin on the ember" logic has me stymied, too. When I want to start a fire with flint-n-steel or rekindle last night's I blow on the embers to heat 'em up. Never had enough huff to blow an ember out. :hmm:

Keepin the foulin soft? Maybe that works. I guess it's like lickin yer finger before turning a page. Annoys the heck out of those of us that don't do it (especially if the licker has only borrowed somethin of yours to paw through).
Stumpkiller said:
Pull up a stump and pass the burbon, Zonie.

I don't know, I think ol' Zonie already emptied it :grin: . If he takes you up on your offer, then we'll KNOW he already emptied it. I don't think any sober person would "pull up a stump" with someone that goes by "Stumpkiller" :rotf:

:shocked2: ...... :rotf: :rotf: I just love this little yellow guy. He sure has a lot of fun!!
Stumpkiller said:
Pull up a stump and pass the burbon, Zonie.

This whole "blowin on the ember" logic has me stymied, too. When I want to start a fire with flint-n-steel or rekindle last night's I blow on the embers to heat 'em up. Never had enough huff to blow an ember out. :hmm:

If I'm not mistaken the logic, is an ember will "idle" for quite some time in the breech unless it's supplied a rush of oxygen to make it flare and burn up quickly. :winking:

the foulin soft? Maybe that works. I guess it's like lickin yer finger before turning a page. Annoys the heck out of those of us that don't do it (especially if the licker has only borrowed somethin of yours to paw through).

The moisture in one's breath does soften BP fouling, this has been common knowledge among BPCR shooters for many years.

In fact if a BPCR shooter could get a good "seal" with his mouth at the chamber of his rifle he wouldn't even need a "blow-tube" (as blow-tubes weren't designed from a safety aspect in that kind of shooting). Yet I imagine there would be some people disagreeing about the safety of blowing on the "breech-end" of an empty rifle also. :haha:
You may as well hold your Breath T-Bone. Pun intended. These guys are not going to change our minds and we aren't going to change theirs. The last time we had this discussion, COEHORN BOY posted a bit about how much moisture is transferred to the bore when blowing down the barrel. Softening the fouling AND blowing the ember out are both reasons why I and other old shooters I know, blow down the bore. I think it was a common practice in the old days until the knee jerk reacting do gooders at the NMLRA changed everything about 20 years ago. It IS a safety precaution just like using a powder measure separate from the horn valve. If you don't think there is an ember in the bore then load from the horn. IF YOU"RE NOT BLOWING DOWN THE BARREL, YOU BEST SWAB BETWEEN SHOTS. If you like your hands. I have shared this logic on this forum before and made enemies. I don't care. If what I print here, over and over again, keeps one person from getting maimed for life it is worth it to me. If anyone out there doesn't know when your own rifle has just been fired then ya need ta get another hobby. Ya blow down the barrel AFTER the Muzzle Blast. My responsibility is to teach my own kids. If someone else doesn't teach their kids its their problem and responsibility, not mine. My kids know when and when not to blow down a barrel. They also know what kind of gun you blow down and what kind you don't. I hope I have helped someone out there. Play safe fellas. Think about what your doing. :v
Musketman said:
My biggest fear/concern about blowing down the barrel is when a kid sees someone do this, especially a young child...

Look Tommy, I snuck my dad's .357 Magnum out of the house without him knowing it... Cool, I seen my Uncle Musketman do this once, watch me blow down the barrel like he does...

Are we sending a message to the kids that it is safe to put gun barrels in our mouths?

Sure, we know it's not loaded, but what about a child that happens to be at the range with their parent who sees you from the other end of the firing line?

By the same token, we're sending a message to those youngsters that putting things down the bores of our rifles and packing things tight with a stick is perfectly "OK".

(can anyone say "BARREL OBSTRUCTION 101" when done to a .357???? :winking: )
Cooner54 said:
My kids know when and when not to blow down a barrel.

And I'm sue you thought them in what sequence to load the gun... Powder - Patch - Ball. Do you think there's a chance they could EVER get it wrong and run a ball down the barrel without any powder? If the answer is yes, then we have to admit that no matter how smart or careful they/we are, we all make mistakes.

They get to talking and load the ball with no powder. They get to talking and blow down a loaded barrel. Don't mislead your children into thinking they are perfect and incapable of making a mistake. Thats' why we don't point UNLOADED guns at people, remember?
Hi Dale, everytime you load a MUZZLELOADER you have your hand over the LOADED gun. There are separate rules for ML as opposed to Breech loading guns. Did you read the last sentence of my post?
Bye Dale,
Don :shake:
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