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Blowing down barrel after each shot

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Nor a motorcyle helmet either. And wouldn't if Big Brother didn't say i had to because THEY want me to be SAFE. Some laws are just plain un-needed.
And I would have a huge chunk of my forehead, part of my nose and part of my jaw ground off by the 40 MPH asphalt had I not been wearing my helmet. I most likely wouldn't be here to add my two cents worth had I not been wearing that Arai full face helmet.

Why did I wear a helmet for 39 years of riding? The law here doesn't require me to wear one.

I guess it's just to keep parts of my head attached. Just a matter of safety, you might say.

One might say I wore it for the same reason I don't stick gun barrels into my mouth.

And that is you perogative. But those of us who don't want to wear a helmet or a seat belt, or who want to blow down the barrel should be able to without government intervention. After all, it is our life we are taking a chance with, nobody elses.
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