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I might be a strange one, but Ive learned to love cleaning MLer's. It's almost meditative, and the smells of the fouling, WD40, and Barricade always remind me of a good day. There's something satisfying about it.

On hot and humid days it's a little more time consuming, but I don't mind.
You say your "rescue Rifle" is prone to rusting because it is pitted/ It is prone to rusting because it is steel. The pits just allow more water to engage the steel after the bore is wiped.
the water gets into the molecules of the steel and your final coat of WD 40 or any oil just seals it in.
However, if after a few days rest after cleaning you do NOT pull any rust colored smut on a clean patch you are probably doing OK.

That 3 day later test is fairly good way to see if you are getting an oiled waterless surface of your bore.
Anybody who pulls black or rust colored crud out a barrel declared clean a few days before should rethink his cleaning method.

I preferred to eliminate as much water as possible.

Dutch Schoultz
SgtErv said:
.... and the smells of the fouling, WD40, and Barricade always remind me of a good day. There's something satisfying about it.

I loved the way the old 3 in 1 smelled. They have removed whatever ingredient it had that gave it that particular smell. I used to sit and watch my grandfather clean his guns. That smell that the old 3 in 1 had always reminded of those great old days. I miss that smell and wish they would bring it back.
Hoppes blkpwdr solvent brings back my fond memeories of a 10 yr old getting in the sport while WD-40 reminds me of the day my Pop took me to :Hunters Haven" to buy my first 30-30. The smell of WD-40 was strong and ALWAYS reminds me of the gun shop, can still hear the squeaky door :)