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Colorado… bobcat, mountain lion, lynx

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Btw, this is an email address for Kerry Donovan Senate President pro tempore. Please be professional and respectful. We need her vote. [email protected]

That's the key. Addressing these legislators rudely just pushes the vote the other way.

@Mangonboat I think you are in error regarding colorado wildlife management funding. It's not funded by the legislature. CPW is an enterprise agency funded almost exclusively by license sales and user fees. There's a small percentage from fed dollars from Pittman Robinson and also some money from state lottery funding.

I don't see any way that 70% of lion management funding comes from federal dollars.
Shoot, shovel, shut up. The three s’s
By way of clarifying. My ”Angry“ emoji at Jim’s post above was not directed at Jim.

It’s long been a pet peeve of mine that the Three S’s get brought into the conversation every damn time it comes around to predators or predator control. I’m not denying it’s occured in the past but it’s damn sure not common among the people I grew up with nor our neighbors. I respect these people as honest, hard working, salt of the earth people who live by the rules and I get damn tired of us being painted with that lawless brush. That TV show Yellowstone is a bunch of ******** too, while we’re at it. If a neighbor of mine tried to justify that manure with me and I knew or believed he or she had done it, the county sheriff and DOW would hear about it toot sweet. I’ll say it again, 3S’s exist largely in the imagination of PETA and know nothing blowhards.
CPW may have asked for the money and they may have been denied by the courts but that didn't/doesn't deny the ongoing study. Wildlife managers already know that lions are decimating colorado deer populations. The study is a toll to prove it.
Look at the date of the bobcat article. It's history. The commission made no changes to bobcat regulations.

Thats why the people behind this legislation have turned to the lawmakers.

There is no need for professional hunters to cull lions in Colorado. The season runs from April 1st thru the end of April and then restarts at the end of November and runs through to the last day of March. Anybody can buy a license. The state is broken into management areas. Each area has a quota. Every hunter or outfitter must check the quota status every day before they hunt. When the quota is met that management area is closed. Increasing quotas increases lion kills. The vast majority of lions are killed by hunters hireing outfitters with dogs. Want more lions killed? Increase the quota. That will increase the number of outfitters/hunters and it's done.
Why pay professional hunters to reduce the lion population , if the numbers are a problem i am sure a hunting season or lottery system with tags similar to deer season can work and not cost $4 million
Exactly… and they have the legislative authority to do so any time they wish. Start promoting lion hunting in the CO Outdoors magazine and online.
This bill today failed to make it out of committee by a vote of
4 to 1.

This won't be the end of it. Watch for a ballot measure in the fall. :rolleyes:
And the cycle continues. As they are removed from being huntable, numbers expand and people complain, and then we bring in professional hunters to address the problem.

States have made a mess that prohibited beaver trapping too.
Also , do what folks living in Pa. do........If a critter endangers you , or your family, destroy it ,and keep your mouth shut. There's too much protection of dangerous wild animals , too often , intentionally reintroduced in our midst. Super coyotes , cross bred with red wolves ,non-huntable bears , due to poorly planned legal hunting seasons , clandestine stocking of mountain lions back in the early 1990's , bans on killing rattlesnakes. ,the list goes on and on. Once again , govt. regulation over steps logic in the name of Conservation. There's more to this conundrum , but lengthy explanations are unaccepted by most folks , these days.
Don't forget hawks and owls!!
Juniata....... I have one of the dreaded UTV's that allow me to spend large amounts of time legally riding roads , in the backwoods. A small group of us ,two to four machines , covering fifty to 80 miles a day looking for wildlife at from 8 to 12 miles per hour. We see one grouse every two weeks , pine martins , (giant weasels) , every three days , four to five deer per day , a coyote every two days and one bear on avg. every day. No squirrels . One thing we do see every day is a large number of various hawks and owls. We note seeing a few buzzards , and a few eagles. We have been riding many of the same roads for 18 + years . 10 years back we began to notice a rapid degradation of the huntable small game , grouse , squirrels , rabbits , "big woods small game". The areas we spend most of our time in , are Potter Co. as far south as near I - 80 Center Co. , Pa. Govt. agencies are quick to blame West Nile virus for destroying the grouse population. In actuality , it appears to me the very large population of hawks and owls are directly responsible for the rapid decline of small game animals. One would counter , West Nile disease amazingly didn't seem to affect the raptor birds. So , why were the raptor's prey birds ,(grouse) ,and other small birds , rapidly declining , more so , than the none decline of Raptor population. Makes no sense to the casual observer , but by comparison , little makes sense of what the Blame comm. does , these days. Didn't used to be that way. Money corrupts.
That has been my observation as well Oldwood. Plus the anti fur idiots have caused trapping and hunting of many species like opossum, raccoon, martins and such to virtually stop around here, they are all nest raiders among other things.
I can tell you 15 stories of very credible witnesses , some of which are backed with photos , concerning Mtn. Lion sightings. I was on the road in north central Pa.for 41 years ,600 miles a week. The lions began to show up 1995. I can't repeat info from a local state university informant , concerning lion stocking project in local mountains. All this information , plus a total blackout by our state blame comm. ,officials when inquiring to them about lions , they told me I was seeing flying saucers. Any flying saucers of the four legged , long tail cat variety , get euthanized...........oldwood