Cowboy2 said:
Aside from penetration, what are the benefits of using a .50cal conical as opposed to a patched round ball?
...random thoughts!
1. How are you going to keep the conical seated at all times?
2. Do you enjoy the recoil it takes to shoot them flat?
8" low at 200 yards with a 100gr charge and 250gr bullet.
3. Do you enjoy scrubbing lead out of your bore-rifling?
Pushing soft lead at super high velocity causes excessive lead build up.
4. Can you really hold a hunting group out too??? -yards
If you cant hit what yer aiming at, it doesnt matter what projectile you are using.
5. go with a larger rb bump up cal. can a guy have to many?
Go with what works!
After all it's just you and the wild game your after.
Good luck and send me a pt when you ring this out!