Ok, here we go! We will start off with the Honorable mentions..... participation points go to DeerStalker, Ranchroper, BadDaditood, and lonewalker. You guys posted or emailed pictures of some terrific shooting but unfortunately do to them not being scans I couldn't accurately print and score them. Great shooting though guys!
For the points there was a target submitted where 2 shots landed in the same sector, I'll admit I hadn't considered this.... I decided to score that shot as I would have a miss and used the measured distance from the center to the edge of the sector it should have landed in.
Without further jabbering, here are the results from the February shoot.
1. .40cal, 7.5pts- .32cal side slapper
2. 11th corps, 10pts- tc flintlock, .490 ball,
60g fff.
3. Nessmuk 11pts- .45 Flint, 40gr 3f, .440
4. Flinter1977, 11.5pts- .54 tc Hawken,
90gr 2f, .530 ball, .15 pt patch
5. EBSAILS, 12.75pts- .45 Kentucky, 45g
goex, .453 ball w/.010 patch
6. MSMITH 16.25pts- .50 tc renegade, 40gr
OE 3f, .490 ball, .015 patch.
Great shooting guys and I would love to see a pic of your side slapper .40cal, she sure fired a great group!