Thanks for the advice. I have a lot of extra tubing left. This is my first attempt. I figure with the weed barrier, and watering at the roots will keep the weeds at bay.I have found that creating loops rather than straight runs will even out the flow.
I've got several that are starting to color now just in the couple of days I've been home. Won't be long now.We just may be eating good fresh tomatoes in a few days. They are still green today but they are coming along.
Good question and I don't know the answer. Here at home we have a good, deep well. Water is full of minerals and taste great. Has to be beneficial to the plants. At the camp, in the middle of nowhere, I actually have township water, even though there are no real towns anywhere close. It's convenient and taste ok, but it's still cloronated and not nearly as good for vegetables.I keep a bucket under my Air Conditioner mainly to keep it from making a big puddle beneath.With our humidity it drips constantly. Do you think that "condensed water" is any good for watering the veggies? There can't be any minerals in that stuff.
I would think there is plenty enough minerals in the ground. I would use it.I keep a bucket under my Air Conditioner mainly to keep it from making a big puddle beneath.With our humidity it drips constantly. Do you think that "condensed water" is any good for watering the veggies? There can't be any minerals in that stuff.
Same here. We eat them a couple times a day as long as they're producing. Usually have plenty to freeze for soup and sauces. The only store bought tomatoes my Wife buys in the off season are some of the cherry tomatoes they import and not many of them.I only eat tomatoes when they are in season. No comparison. Pink opaque tasteless blobs the other months of the year.
That is true, it's not like the ground is mineral deficit or anything. Especially with the supplements like manure and such. I've been tilling in everything from sheet rock to banana peels.I would think there is plenty enough minerals in the ground. I would use it.
Yessir. Even good for breakfast seared in a pan with a dusting of Italian seasoning, of Montreal steak seasoning. Can't wait.Same here. We eat them a couple times a day as long as they're producing. Usually have plenty to freeze for soup and sauces. The only store bought tomatoes my Wife buys in the off season are some of the cherry tomatoes they import and not many of them.
I can send you a good zucchini bread recipe. It cans nicely and is good with a drop or 2 or 10 of honey. You can enjoy it all year.I just hoed and raked the 8 vegetable beds this afternoon and will be sticking seeds in the ground as soon as I get off this infernal machine. One bed already has tomato plants, another has peppers. I planted peas in their bed, using seeds from last year (or the year before), and ONE came up in a two week period. I'll try again with fresh seeds but it's getting pretty late to get them growing, considering that the hot weather is upon us! The wife is burned out on squash and zucchini but I'm planting them anyway to see if fresh will change her mind. Ditto for green beans.
So without further ado, I am getting off here to plant seeds, then water the veggie garden, roses and front yard flower planter.
A zucchini bread recipe that cans nicely? That’s a new one on me…I can send you a good zucchini bread recipe. It cans nicely and is good with a drop or 2 or 10 of honey. You can enjoy it all year.
Sounds like you got a pretty good sized garden.Yeah cute kids would have an advantage in selling over us "not-so-cute-guys".Traded a Couple bunches of spring onions off to the new BBQ joint for a couple pounds of jalapeño cheddar smoked sausages.. And made a handshake deal for supplying them in dill and basil this year..
If we could have ever get some sunshine, my tomato and pepper plants might stand a chance...
The kids have a produce stand out in the front yard a few times a summer and it all sells out pretty quick.
I think it helps they're still cute, me selling tomatos kinda ruins your appetite..
It does. Same recipe she always uses. Instead of freezing the loaves, we tried canning a few. You have to use wide mouth jars obviously, but they tasted fine.A zucchini bread recipe that cans nicely? That’s a new one on me…
I'm going to let some of you more experienced gardeners take that one. I haven't grown bush beans in many years.Some bug is now eating my bush bean leaves. Any suggestions to stop this?
Need to try and identify the culprit.Some bug is now eating my bush bean leaves. Any suggestions to stop this?