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India Barrel Failure

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Perhaps Herr Schrapnel got his idea from an Indian Gun he owned?🤣
Shrapnel wasn't' German or if he was it might have been Kings German legion
Most of the world writes a similar date the same way as those perfidious Brits - Day - Month - Year.
Perfidious?. Wasn't he a Greek Philosopher.
The owner of the pistol might have originally bought it as a decoration piece, which does not require proof in any CIP signature country, and subsequently requested it get proofed so that he could shoot it. Unfortunately it failed proof. It being private property, it was returned to the owner with a failure certification. It is not the property of the Proof House.

The thing that concerns me about this is that ALL firearms are VERY closely inspected BEFORE proofing is carried out - this is the 'primary view. THEN it is proofed, and having passed proof, gets the appropriate stamp, but only after another close inspection has been carried out to ensure that there is no residual damage resulting from the proof test. Of course, if there is any damage, then it will have failed proof.

Dr NĂ©meth is not a panic-monger, nor is he underly-generous with the truth, as you seem to imply in your post. He is a highly-regarded senior lecturer on military history in an important university in Budapest and a leading light on BP shooting of all kinds in his native country and internationally.
I'm not sure any sort of certification is necessary in this case...
What is all this fuss about? A gun went to a government proof house and was proof tested. It failed. That is why sensible countries have government proof houses. It weeds out the failures. The system worked. In the USA it would have just gone on sale to the public as was.
What is all this fuss about? A gun went to a government proof house and was proof tested. It failed. That is why sensible countries have government proof houses. It weeds out the failures. The system worked. In the USA it would have just gone on sale to the public as was.
US guns are proofed by the manufacturer. Any failure never makes the market.
What is all this fuss about? A gun went to a government proof house and was proof tested. It failed. That is why sensible countries have government proof houses. It weeds out the failures. The system worked. In the USA it would have just gone on sale to the public as was.
The principle virtue of a proof house is a lighter more pleasant to use gun , Ime thinking double shotguns can be made rather than some heavy gun that has all the grace of a brick outhouse . I had a lot to do with Birmingham .But found London to be useless and incompetent the only two times I had guns proofed there. The first because my patron wanted the London mark on his 'Lawrences pattern' musket. The second I sent a 45 flint rifle barrel pointing out" Put all the rubbish out of sight" .like Brum do only the ' Mark' visible but it came back "black powder only" rubbish on top'. I rang them up they warbled" Oh We have to do that" I said" Brum don't & its coming off"! "Oh you cant do that !" I said "Its coming off. "I put the phone down on the idiot and did so & put it through Brum once their strike was over .For what goes through London are the few high end guns and some matchlocks the proof chamber's just made into offices . At least at Brum if you drop one in for' immediate proof 'you can hear the bang they mark it and off you go still warm barrel and all the' rubbish' underneath just the actual mark visible
.Amusingly one day I had some Indian Blunderbusses proofed Ime chatting at the window when a female office clerk making up the bill shouts " Are they Military or sporting ?". The counter bloke says "Sporting" . " Got to be a Sport to fire one of these !" They went to America very popular items .

Rudyard's view on Proof houses
both are private companies its just the law guns must be proofed they don't except the batch testing on wartime govt arms .