Some of us have been extremely fortunate in life where others not so much, and that does not mean they did anything wrong. When you play poker, there i ony one winner in the round! anyway, there is a need to have options that are not so expensive. I listen to many on here posting about the high prices of gas, food, clothing etc,, then think nothing of dropping $1500-$2000 on a rifle kit that , lets face it, is really not needed. You do not need it to survive, feed the family etc, you just want it. That's Ok, but try and remember, you are indeed fortunate(IMHO) if you can afford to drop that amount of "change" on another toy for the collection. There needs to be alternative for those who cant afford that level entrance fee! (IMHO). I have several hand made rifles, made by well respected & known builders, but one of my favorites, and I have shown pics of it, is a ol orig Lyman GPR back when they were relatively new on the scene, that I built. I wasn't going to spend $$$ on a Jim Chambers or other kit, when I had zero experience, but I enjoyed building and redoing the Lyman GPR, from browning the metal, to refinishing the stock , even put in a small inlay! That was a feat for me, and the rifle shoots very well and I could not be happier. I consider it every bit as nice as my others.