I have an old remington lock, built with no half cock. Whad did they do back then? :shocking:
Those without a death wish, kept their caps in their bag. eace:
I have an old remington lock, built with no half cock. Whad did they do back then? :shocking:
Who you calling old boy :haha: I am the ripe old age of 37!
Well, I really appreciate all the responses.
I am new to this forum, and found you guys by accident!
I think we have a long and prosperus road ahead!
For what it's worth, I'm making a general comment not aimed at any specific individual...and that is I think we need to be careful that we don't come across as "piling on" to old High Power here...
During the Civil War were arms ever carried loaded??
Does your Renegade have one trigger or two ? Mine has two and I do not trust the half cock . Put your hammer on half cock , then try to push the hammer down with your thumb . Does it move ? Mine does . :results:While I do most certainly agree that carrying with the hammer on the cap is very unsafe...a no no. Carrying one on half cock while hunting is perfectly acceptable to me PROVIDED that one tests thier gun to ensure the half cock position functions as designed. I use a renegade...at half cock you can pull either the front or rear trigger and nothing happens. IF the hammer falls during the test that gun is unsafe. Regarding the Win 94...had one for years and years...never had a problem with it on half cock for hunting. I think that perhaps today...there are so many folks that simply don't have thier wits about them, that are the cause of accidents. One thing that was mentioned on prior posts..."going into the woods together"....huh? No one I ever hunted with went in pairs. Yeah..pheasant hunting or duck hunting I can see that.. but deer and other big game? I've been hunting for over 50 years...had hunting partners that are now long dead...and never ever did anyone do something stupid. Or, have an "accident." I suppose in truth, a lot depends on where one is hunting. Where we used to hunt before I moved west...one could go for miles and never run into someone from another hunting party. Perhaps one of the hazards today is the number of hunters that don't want to expend the energy to get "away from the crowd" and they all tend to congregate on the fringes of the woods, forests rather than pack thier way in deeper.
Regarding the half cock position, the hammer should be pulled to half cock, not lowered to half cock...
If you are at full cock, lower the hammer "PAST" the half cock position and then pull it back to half cock to engage the sear into the notch...
By lowering the hammer to the half cock position from full cock, you run the risk of the sear resting on the leading edge of the notch and not engaging the slot, then a slight bump will allow the sear to slip and the hammer to fall...