Kibler side effect?

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1st off let me state that I don't own a Kibler but I've read a lot of threads on how user friendly they are to assemble and finish.
Is it possible that with the popularity of the Kibler kits, that other kit makers will be inspired to follow suit with their kits to make them more user friendly for those less mechanically or skillfully inclined?
I've built several so called "kits" from other makers and they required a lot and I mean a lot of hours and hand work, where as the Kiblers sound so much easier.
They are and are superb fine quality very accurate guns
Just my opinion but I doubt very few on this forum understand the complexity of programming a multi head CNC machine to do what Jim has done. Its not what the machines are capable of. Its Jim's persistent ability to figure out the complexity of the programming to get all the tolerances correct. Before I retired our shop had just started using CNC machines. Just designing the tooling to hold the stocks is impressive to say the least and then programming it all...WOW is all I can say..
Interesting read... Mr. Kibler has certainly filled a need and satisfied many folks' ability to obtain a rifle that they are certainly proud of. That's been great for the traditional muzzleloading pursuit. The merits of their methods have been debated pro and con, but can't detract from the fact that a lot of quality rifles are in the hands of happy owners! I may have purchased a Kibler kit, but they don't offer a rifle is a style that I'm interested in, just my personal preference. All I can do is add to the wish list: "I wish there was a Kibler Jaeger kit!"
I've seen a Pedersolli factory tour on Youtube and I couldn't believe their methods. Many of the processes seemed very archaic at best, and their equipment is dated. I don't know what their production is, but I do know that what they do make isn't worth much in my view. Just being honest... I wouldn't consider them any sort of an expert (CNC, stock making etc. etc.). None of their flintlock rifles even come close to looking like a proper longrifle. I'm sure no one in the company understands what a longrifle should be and further they take shortcuts all over to save time and effort.

After watching the video I was literally astonished and not in a good way...

Not trying to bash them, but just sharing my thoughts since this was brought up. Hopefully nothing wrong with honesty.
Jim, also the "Short Arbor" issues that have been discussed time and time over on here. One would think that it might have been addressed long ago...just my thoughts....
I can tell you first hand the great quality of a Pedersorry, yeah i will never buy another one. There is certainly a place for Kibler's rifles, they are top of the line
Pedersoli makes a decent percussion rifle. There is a place for most of their flintlocks though. That would be the store’s rack. Leave them there.
I’ve put together other kits and 4 Kiblers. There is NO comparison.
The Woodsrunner is way ahead of the Colonial which is way way ahead of anything else. As far as ease of assembly.
Yes! I agree, I've put together other kits over the years and none compare in the ease of putting one of Jim's kits together, along with their authenticity! They make the other manufacturers look a little weak!
As Dale Carnegie said Any fool can criticize condemn and complain and most fools do. I learned in the 3rd grade that you can't build yourself up by putting others down.
Well said, there will always be those who will criticize the golden goose for not producing a higher grade of gold. Invest in education, historical knowledge, facility, equipment, hours upon hours of trial and error, material, finding employees with skillset, compensation, general aggravation from IRS and other distractions before criticizing someone who did their own homework & succeeded.

Why would I want to argue with someone who obviously doesn't really know what they are talking about? Why would you want to argue with me given my background. Arrogance? For Real? Who are you? One of thousands who use CNC to make MUZZLELOADING stocks? Are you ridiculous. Making a short stock is a breeze compared to a longrifle. If you think a Pedersoli even remotely compares to our products it just shows your lack of knowledge. You think they completely re-tooled since there video? I would bet it's all virtually the same. You must not know much about manufacuring to think they could make a product like ours with only the desire, you must not understand and appreciate how bad their products and processes are. All I can do is shake my head.
Mr Kibler ignore the haters. Ive only done three kits. Two from traditions my third and last build the southern mountain rifle in .32. It went together and looks amazing. Saving for my next one. Mostly waiting see what the trade rifle unless I break down and get the woodsrunner.
Mr Kibler ignore the haters. Ive only done three kits. Two from traditions my third and last build the southern mountain rifle in .32. It went together and looks amazing. Saving for my next one. Mostly waiting see what the trade rifle unless I break down and get the woodsrunner.
Get the Woods Runner ,never wish you had cause you would !/Ed
Well said, there will always be those who will criticize the golden goose for not producing a higher grade of gold. Invest in education, historical knowledge, facility, equipment, hours upon hours of trial and error, material, finding employees with skillset, compensation, general aggravation from IRS and other distractions before criticizing someone who did their own homework & succeeded.
Maybe people just want what they want. And they don’t want the same thing as everybody else. Jim Kibler makes really nice stuff. Excellent quality good build. But sometimes it’s not what you want. Of course that upsets people who expect you to just take what you’re given. .

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