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Kibler's Hunting Pouch

Muzzleloading Forum

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Ya' think? I thought it is quite expensive. $155.00 + shipping for a few pieces of leather and some accut's. You can buy the same stuff on E-Bay for about $50.00. Minus the vise, which is worthless anyways. Semper Fi.
Could you send me a link to the eBay seller who sells all of that for $50 please. Minus the worthless vice. I've searched and can't find such a kit for $50. Thanks.
Well , my first reaction was $155 !! 🤣 :eek:

Then I gave it more thought. It's all there. Even the stitching pony. I make quite a few bags. Some to sell, some for family, some for myself and some that are just given away on impulse. If I had nothing but a desire to make a bag, gathering all the materials included alone would be pushing $100. Then, there is the knowledge and experience already built in along with all the instruction needed to complete the project.

If one wants to get into leather working then go purchase all the stuff and get started. If you want a nice bag and you're not looking to launch into the leather working hobby this is a good high quality product.

Probably not $155 dollars worth of materials there! There's a profit margin. Jim isn't running a Muzzle loaders benevolent or social welfare society 🤔
I think I recognize that horn.

Damn proud to carry it, have taken it hunting, with my Woodsrunner...Beautiful weather here in NC but, haven't seen any deer yet...That's an excuse to keep hunting... :)
Seriously, you think people are going to pay $155 for a kit when they can buy awesome completed bags for less than that. Blackposderbags.com has many options available and in my opinion they are way better than any kit could be.
Yes, Jeff Po boy Luke ,among others , offers beautiful professionally finished hunting bags for less.
Of course Kibler's kit includes the tools and instructions to make your own variation. So you can, with additional leather make other bags or knife, and tomahawk sheaths.
I would be tempted if the price were less, say $90!
You can buy the stitching horse/pony on Amazon with varied assortments of threads and needles,awl etc for under $30 Amazon.com

and surely you can find $120 worth of leather to do several bags or craft projects. Plenty of diagrams on the interweb or just use youre brain and figure out your pattern.
And also buy a copy of the book Recreating the 18th Century Hunting Pouch by T. C. Albert.
Thank you for adding this information, @Capt. Jas.

This sounds like a great kit, especially with the inclusion of a professionally curated set of tools and then the supplemental videos online. Much more than just a pouch… This sounds like a way to provide not only the tools but the skills for additional leatherwork. Kind of like the old “give a man a fish versus teach him to fish” parable.

With all of that in consideration, this pouch kit sounds like a pretty good deal.

Notchy Bob

Or “build a man a fire, and he’ll be warm for a night. Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life”

I have to applaud Jim for this offering. It is not cheap, but good gracious all the tools you get with it!

I've looked at the promo that arrived via email, I've been making my own bags so have my own clamp and tools to do so.
Maybe a 2 option, being with or without the tool set and clamp would appeal to a broader market.
Not trying to undercut Mr. Kibler but do a search on Amazon for tooling leather and a stitching pony and you will see that there are way cheaper options. The only plus on the Kibler bag is that the leather is pre-cut to shape. But I have to give it to him for bringing it to fruition and hope he has success in this venture, and he will.
CNC equipment, insurance, employee salary, tax,electric, materials, building maintenance and two dogs to feed before the Kiblers get to pay them selves. My hat is off to them, an American company doing what it takes to succeed in this country is an amazing thing. I bet Jim makes about $10 per hour if you ever saw the hours he invests in this company. If they can earn a profit by stocking and selling other items its just good business practices. God bless the Kiblers.
CNC equipment, insurance, employee salary, tax,electric, materials, building maintenance and two dogs to feed before the Kiblers get to pay them selves. My hat is off to them, an American company doing what it takes to succeed in this country is an amazing thing. I bet Jim makes about $10 per hour if you ever saw the hours he invests in this company. If they can earn a profit by stocking and selling other items its just good business practices. God bless the Kiblers.
Totally agree.
He's gonna have to just sell the leather besides the kit. All the future professional Kibler bag makers out there won't need a new tool kit everytime they make one. The real money is in the leather.
Yes, one could buy much of this stuff from Amazon, and get no support post purchase, and not be supporting small American business.
One could buy unknown junk from an unknown business on Amazon or elsewhere on the internet.
Or one could support a small American entrepreneur, who has a reputation for not peddling junk, and if there is a problem with something he sells,,, he takes care of it.

Might it be cheaper to buy each tool and piece in the kit separately online? Sure. But for someone who has an interest in getting started in leather work this kit gets them tools and materials that are precut (and can thus be traced for future patterns and adjustments) and instructions from a master of the craft to get them started and have what they need to continue.....

Trying to ignore the insanely ignorant comments about the clamp being worthless....... 🙄
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CNC equipment, insurance, employee salary, tax,electric, materials, building maintenance and two dogs to feed before the Kiblers get to pay them selves. My hat is off to them, an American company doing what it takes to succeed in this country is an amazing thing. I bet Jim makes about $10 per hour if you ever saw the hours he invests in this company. If they can earn a profit by stocking and selling other items its just good business practices. God bless the Kiblers.
Move over Joan of Arc.
Sorry, I got distracted and didn't finish my materials and tools comparison above.
What if Mr. Kibler offered a kit option that included his current rifle/smoothbore kit, and the tools needed to finish it?
But, at a price slightly higher than it would be to track everything down themself.....themselves......
Would this not be a good opportunity for someone who has never built a gun, doesn't have the tools, and has always had the desire to try,,,, to get everything they need to be successful (except patience and other intangible qualities that can't be purchased) and nothing that they don't need?
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I’m not interested in HC or PC so obviously this option doesn’t interest me at all. I suppose those that are will be interested, seems pretty pricey though considering everything else available out there. JMO, to each his own.
Who said anything about HC/PC?

If you are referring to the stitching,,, saddle stitching versus a machine has nothing to do with HC/PC, even if saddle is more correct.
It's about quality, a proper saddle stitch with properly poked holes using a sharp diamond awl is a vastly superior stitch to a machine's "lock" stitch.
I have made a few bags over the years, this kit looks like a good start for someone who always wanted to make their own bag but was afraid to take the leap, I also believe if you were to gather the needed equipment, leather and such then put in a bit of research as to the style and how to you would be way past the asking price. Seems a fair price. Now JAMES KIBLER lets get a left-handed rifle on board. ;)
Who said anything about HC/PC?

If you are referring to the stitching,,, saddle stitching versus a machine has nothing to do with HC/PC, even if saddle is more correct.
It's about quality, a proper saddle stitch with properly poked holes using a sharp diamond awl is a vastly superior stitch to a machine's "lock" stitch.
We’ll it’s obvious you think this kit is great and I believe if Kim Kibler is selling it then it will be great. I just think the average guy that needs one hunting bag isn’t going to spend $155 on a kit, even if it does include some tools he might never use again. like I said, to each his own.
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