I keep a jar of MAP on my bench for cleaning and a small vial in my range box which goes in my bag when hunting.When you guys mix up your MAP cleaner do you mix it as needed or have it already mixed ready and sitting on the shelf ready
sounds like something Michael Jackson would use!Equal parts of Murphy's Oil Soap, Rubbing Alcohol, and Hydrogen Peroxide.
But one should only use the weak 3% version of hydrogen peroxide. Even with that very weak solution, it will foam up like a rabid dog so one thinks that things are really getting clean (and they are). If you are concerned about the peroxide as an oxidizer, just use water. That will work to clean as well. The concern about the use of hydrogen peroxide has been a topic of discussion for as long as I have heard about MAP. Use an oil based patch lube or add some Ballistol or other water soluble oil and there should be ample protection from the H2O2. So many solutions work for cleaning that I am using water with dish soap and a good final rust inhibiting (Barricade) oil. I use rubbing (70%) alcohol for the damp patch between shots.Hmmmmmm.... peroxide! An oxidizer.
Rest easy - I've been using this mix for decades.Hmmmmmm.... peroxide! An oxidizer.
My guns come clean with water so there is no problem to solve.
There are so many different ways to clean a barrel. As with all other facets of muzzle loading, the one that works best is the one that works for you.
Well now, my lube is the absolute best. I use honey bee extract with fat taken from a bald eagle, and pressure cook the mixture three days. Just don't tell anyone.One of the most argued subjects behind patch lubes.