They still are! I think women have a way of "grounding" us men. No, I don't mean sending us to our rooms. By grounding, I mean bringing us back to earth when we get crazy notions. I recently heard a great story about singer Phil Collins. Seems old Phil was hired by Disney to write some songs for a recent movie of theirs. When he had completed the songs, the guy from Disney said, "Well, they're pretty good, but I know you can do better." At this, an outraged Phil complained to his wife, "What does he know about music? How dare he say something like that to someone like ME !" His wife responded, "I know what you mean. Doesn't he know who you think you are?" Now that's a woman for you! :crackup: Women are mysterious and wonderful beings. I sure as heck would't want to live without them! To you ladies on the Forum: Keep shootin', ladies! And when us men start gettin' too wild, just give us a collective conk on the noggin with that cannon rammer! :crackup: :thumbsup:I really believe the women of the frontier were the "anchor" that kept their menfolks from doing silly things like cutting off their shirt tail for patching material.