Capper said:marmotslayer said:I expect that he is already dead and eaten. Pic was taken five or six years ago!
I was talking about Mike. :grin:
Let us hope Mike does not befall the same fate. :thumbsup: Bill
Capper said:marmotslayer said:I expect that he is already dead and eaten. Pic was taken five or six years ago!
I was talking about Mike. :grin:
But I may not be going, as I was in a car wreck yesterday and my hip prosthesis is hurting bad.
marmotslayer said:I'm at three points and five weights for Bighorn Sheep, but nothing yet. Maybe this is the year! I always put in for a rifle tag so that means rifle, ML or bow is going to be legal. My friend who drew the moose had put in for ml.
Skylinewatcher said:Are those things as mean as they say they are during rut? I've read some wild stories.
You're applying for the species. It doesn't matter if you apply for ML, rifle, or bow. The points you accumulate are good for all three ways to hunt..