40 Cal.
Two years ago I got a Grizzly Bear in Alaska and rendered the fat, filtered well and filled jars. The grease is a consistent viscosity and color. I like the idea of using it, but my rifles don't. Slowly but surely, I tried lubing different patches with the bear grease. I finally have shot all of the rifles with bear greased patches. I've tried dipping patches in hot grease, rubbing it in with fingers, lying the patches in grease and letting them soak up. None of these rifles performed any better with the bear grease. I guess after reading some stuff I had high expectations that bear grease would shrink my groups. Some of the rifles like a spit patch, most like 7:1 water/cutting oil, and a few prefer a pre-lubed store -bought patch alleged to have mink oil. Is it a coincidence or bad luck that none of my rifles prefer the bear grease? In fact, none were "as accurate" as the lube I have them sighted in with. All of them had somewhat larger groups, from a little bit to all over the place. Is there a technique or something I am overlooking? Or do my rifles just prefer something else?