The top photo is probably closer to the actual colour, the others came out a bit darkish. The lock has some very striking colour-case-hardening on it.
More shooting today. I measured out loads of 70 gns/3f (for consistency) and can get probably 97% somewhere in the black area of the target at 50 yards, although I'm having to aim above the top of the black at the moment. At some point I'll have to file the front sight, but a bit more experimenting is in order first. I also tried a few balls made from range scrap I've collected - a bit harder than pure lead, but because of the thick patch they worked fine. Also, there is a noticeable delay between the pan igniting and the main charge, and I'm wondering if this is exacerbated by the patent breech that Pedersoli use?
On a slightly different note, but related due to me getting a flintlock, a club member gave a me a box of large flint nodules that he collected from a trip to the (far) west coast. I'm about to try my hand at flintknapping - once I learn more about it. Should be interesting....