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New ML Hunting Project for 2014 ???

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May 15, 2003
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Well, thinking about something new for 2014.

I've researched, range tested, and taken deer with a solid "PRBB"...(patched round brass ball) out of my .58cal Early Virginia;

Then I range tested and took a deer with 'oldnamvet's' custom 200grn REAL out of my .40cal Late Lancaster;

Then I range tested and took a deer with a "2XPRB" (double patched round ball) load out of my .45cal Early Virginia;

Then I field tested / confirmed "high shoulder shots = DRT" using .62/.58/.54/.50cal PRB's;

What might be a good hunting project experiment for 2014?
Britsmoothy said:
Matchlock :hatsoff:
LOL...Qualifier: must involve one of the following 'on-hand' Flintlocks:

.40cal Late Lancaster
.45cal Early Virginia
.50cal Dickert
.54cal Early Virginia smoothbore
.58cal Early Virginia
.62cal Early Virginia smoothbore
My basic plan this coming season is to SEE DEER! Whew, that was satisfying. Now to specifics: shoot one or more deer with my early Lancaster .50, maybe another with my .62 fowler and maybe (if its turn comes up) with my late Lancaster .45.

Then: a waist high pile of squirrels with my .36 SMR, and more with my smoothbore. There will be a turkey or two that will fall to my .36 SMR this spring. No brag; just fact.....okay, maybe some brag. :idunno:
Been there / done that years ago, and I'll wager more times than you ever even dreamed about.
So your usual attempts to disrupt a thread won't work here either...this section is for actual accomplished hunters using traditionally oriented gear, not keyboard theory...but you're welcome to sit back and try to read & learn
I'll catch Yodels and mail him to you...seeing any deer will be rather chancy with him going, "He's in the tree....he's in the tree!" :haha: :doh:
hanshi said:
No brag; just fact.....okay, maybe some brag. :idunno:
Ya think ??

I've already gotten so deep into 2014 home projects after hunting so much for so long that I decided this morning that I'm basically done even with the squirrels. Gave a good once-over with WD40 on the .40cal and 28ga just this morning, cased them and put them back in the safe.

Main 2014 'goal' I have is to take a Tom with a PRB out of the 28ga...but was trying to think of another unique / different research / testing project to get actual hands on experience with...
Wes/Tex said:
I'll catch Yodels and mail him to you...seeing any deer will be rather chancy with him going, "He's in the tree....he's in the tree!" :haha: :doh:
Good gracious...that would be like putting a curse on somebody !!
armymedic.2 said:
You know, that's not a bad idea.
I've already done all the load development / range testing to know its definitely accurate enough out to 25yds, and at 62 grains would be shocked if it wouldn't be fine for a squirrel or rabbit...dirt cheap non-lead projectile for sure.
Patocazador said:
I like the idea of trying buck and ball ... or just buckshot up close. :hmm:
Interesting thought...If I tried something like that I'd probably lean more towards experimenting with 'buckshot' by themselves, only because I already know what the ball does by itself naturally.
But I'd have to do an awful lot of testing to get comfortable with performance / penetration / max effective range, etc...to be absolutely sure if I dropped the hammer on a deer I'd be dragging it out...could get a little pricey.
But I'll tack buckshot onto the list of 2014 possibilities.

On a related note as FYI, I've already experimented with 3-.490's out of a 20ga, using a simple paper sleeve to prevent leading...4-5" clusters at the 40yds I tested it, blowing through 4" of pine wood on a big 'cable reel' I had the target stapled to...so that's another possibility...taking a deer with that load.
(the stagger stack offset when I tried using 4 smaller .440's was so great that at muzzle exit they all went off in 4 different directions)
How about trying that .40 with double balls on a deer???

I had that on my list this year but got hung up with using my .54...
That's a possibility...and a high shoulder shot at that...I'll add that to the "possibles" list
Ya got an itty bitty chain you can yoke the double round balls with?

Or just the chain :hmm: out of the .62 :shocked2: Squrrelotine. :rotf:
I harvest deer every year Billy, except 93 and 2005.
Just don't blow my own horn. Don't even take pictures, it's just something that get's done each year without all the fanfare, pomp and grandiosity.
I actually find it interesting that so many have it so high on the brag list., :idunno:
Sean Gadhar said:
Oh come on guys PM this fight :surrender: I'm trying to get a Squrrelotine built. Or maybe a Bola Bunny round. :rotf:
LOL...I'm not involved in any fight...a member tried to provoke one as usual, I clarified the straight facts, end of discussion.
And if we had a dollar for every claim posted about deer taken without photos to go along with them, we'd all be rich.

I think I'll pass on the suggestion about the "chained PRBs" projectile...that sounds like a good one for you to test this year though.

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