Was, no longer am for the following reasons:
1) I learned that they in fact do not have a lobbying arm and do nothing official like the NRA does to support my interests regarding proposed legislation harmful to our sports;
2) I'll never go to the expense of traveling to Friendship, Il.
3) When all the articles of advertisement, NMLRA organizations, NMLRA politics, and Friendship shoots are removed, there was very little left in the magazine to hold my interest...compared to "Muzzleloader Magazine" which I continue to subscribe to;
4) They compromised the special significance of the "Long Hunters Record Book" by opening the doors to allow trophies to also be listed that were taken with modern, high tech, long range scope sighted inlines just because they were "muzzleloaders".
5) Their official memo response to my memo about my concerns, said in honest to god black typewritten print...that the NMLRA saw no difference between sidelock and inline muzzleloaders.
I sent a second memo back to the NMLRA with their memo attached and highlighted...told them to cancel my membership immediately and told them why, as I've just stated here.
I'm not bashing / debating NMLRA pros & cons...just stating facts as they exist for me.