Certainly I am a member as I am of the NRA and TMA. I also supported the shooting programs of YHEC, Boy Scouts and 4H at various times. I hope to assist the Royal Rangers in the coming year.
As to the issues with the NMLRA, frankly I agree with RB on one point in particular:
4) They compromised the special significance of the "Long Hunters Record Book" by opening the doors to allow trophies to also be listed that were taken with modern, high tech, long range scope sighted inlines just because they were "muzzleloaders".
and am not far off on other points as well.
However, they are our only certified ML program, source of trainers and system of rules and largest sponsor of activities. I will stay inside and vote rather than abandon the strongest structure for ML activities. I see little else stepping up to fill this important void, so I will continue to support it with prayers, treasure and time.
I must say that I do not appreciate your periodic rantings against the group about past history that people have addressed years ago. This is another example of your ongoing attempts to damage the organization. I understand that some unfortunate events have taken place; the group has made some changes; some realities are unpalatable to your faction and you will not move on.
Why not try to build rather than damage for a big change? Trumpet and support the TMA. Start a ML wing of the NRA. Organize a local or regional group that is strong enough to gain some recognition. But no, we get the periodic line of negativity.