Observations at the NMLRA fall championships

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Jack and Stumpkiller: I respect and understand your position. I think every organization has to accept that it cannot be everthing for everyone.
I think thats something the NMLRA is going to have to come to grips with.
I thank you both for not feeling it is necessary to trash org.because the value for you is not there.
dixie said:
I would appreciate it if you would let me know what it is that you want and are not getting from NMLRA? Do you participate in any events other than rendevous? If not why? Thanks in advance for your help.
I don't want anything I'm not getting now. I used the membership for a $10.00 discount at rondyvoo but I have to attend 4 a year to break even. I won't be attending 4 a year any more so I am letting my membership lapse.
I am not a target shooter, trader or dealer/manufacturer of any black powder merchandise so Friendship or the NMLRA has nothing to offer me. I wouldn't care to camp there either. It's just not my cup of tea, thank you.
Have you ever been there for the Spring or Fall shoots?
The primitive camp is a lot like a rondy camp. And the woodswalk and some of the other primitive matches might be right up your alley. :idunno:
IMHO the NMLRA will continue to loose members because, the Old Members are Dying Off as they get old, younger people have not been introduce to the fun of shooting Muzzleloaders, and the NMLRA Board of Directors, and Executive Committee closed mind set. The NMLRA Board of Directors, and Executive Committee don’t listen to what MEMBERS WANT TO SEE CHANGED.

The NMLRA'sBoard of Directors is ALL made up of Members from East of the Mighty Mississippi, so The NMLRA IMHO is not a true National Organization. Maybe just a 3-5 State Shooting Club in, and around Indiana.

I do not know hat the current membership number is now but at one time, in its glory the NMLRA’s Membership was like 32,000 strong.

IMHO PAST Boards of Director have squandered Association Funds with the Position Executive Vice President, who all go a big Salaries & Benefits Packages.

That Armada of PAST Executive Vice President, never really seems to do anything positive for the NMLRA in proportionate what they got paid.

I asked the question to one past Executive Vice President at a Western Shoot face to face. What it was he could point to as his personal accomplishment as NMLRA Executive Vice President, and got some mumbo jumbo that mean ZERO. Now the NMLRA run with out an Executive Vice President, as someone woke up a eliminate the position, saving the NMLRA what a year in Salary & Benefits?

Also within the last 5 years a Major Renovation Project took place at Friendship, and that again took resource out of the NMLRA’s Treasury.

That Renovation Project was the building of a World Class Motor Home Park as I understand it. That Motor Home Park/Campground gets use primary for the TWO NATIONAL SHOOTS, and then site for the most part empty most of the year because of Friendship out of the way location. Friendship NMLRA Motor Home Park/Campground is not on the KOA Trail, so those with Motor home traveling the back roads of Indiana don’t see the opportunity to stop and camp in Friendship.

If you do not go to Friendship to use that Range, or to the Friendship National Shoots and you do not come to Phoenix for the Western National Shoot. Your NMLRA Benefits is a Poor to Fair magazine called Muzzle Blast that is boring, reparative, and IMHO not worth the Annual NMLRA Membership FEE.

Years ago one EX NMLRA Director named Ron Wolfe of Ohio wanted to get some benefit for NMLRA Members to help retain members. His idea was discounts with places like Cabellas, Bass Pro Shops, and the Armada of Traders who advertise in Muzzle Blast, and are Suppliers of Muzzleloading Equipment & Supplies. But he was unable to get much support from the other Members of the NMLRA’s Board of Directors so that idea died.

Last the NMLRA has lost a lot of Western Members, and their Western Shoot has never grown out West I think because the NMLRA focus is IMHO IS Friendship, and not even partially towards Phoenix Arizona, Home of the Western/Winter Naqtional Shoot.

The one year (2000) the Western Shoot made a HUGE Profit because of a Super Raffle, and Auction. Those funds were taken back to Friendship, and not use as Seed & Advertising Moneys to build up the Western Shoot with Advertising & PR.

Think the NMLRA if it is to survive, and prosper as a shooting organization the NMLRA should become more member friendly.

Listening to its Members, and if a Member write a NMLRA Board of Directors, or Executive Committee Member , or Friendship Office with a idea, suggestion, or complaint.

Those letter, & e-mails should IMHO be replied too. Not ignored by people who thing they know best, and member should just pay their due, and be happy.

Members are the NMLRA, and if the NMLRA Board of Directors, or Executive Committee Member ignor the Member long enough. The NMLRA will become like the Desoto, Edsel, Imperial, Rambler Car. Something we had, and is no more.

Aka is Past NMLRA Member, a Past NMLRA Field Representative, Past NMLRA Field Representative at Large, and was Nomonated for NMLRA Field Representative of the Year in 2000.

Jethro224 said:
Have you ever been there for the Spring or Fall shoots?
The primitive camp is a lot like a rondy camp. And the woodswalk and some of the other primitive matches might be right up your alley. :idunno:
I have been there in the spring but never to camp or shoot. Can you tell me what the camp fees would be for 2 members a day in the primitive? I don't know for sure but heard it was quite expensive. Like $14.00 per day. If so, that's more than I want to spend to go somewhere I don't want to be.
The primitive area at Friendship back about 79 or 80. Lotsa tipis, huh?

Having just served the first year of my first term as a director for the NMLRA I will attempt to answer your comments to the best of my ability.

1.I have encouraged members comments in every way I know how including encouraging this thread since page 1 and since contact info for all BOD members is easily available don,t see a problem with the sharing of ideas.

2.Any member is encouraged to run for the board, to blame the assoc. because of where those who step up and accept the challenge live is beyond my comprehenshion.

3.Membership is declining at local, state and the national levels, as stated previously in this thread if a person choses not to participate in the programs offered by any org. it is extremely difficult to force them to join.

4. The EVP position was a definite mistake, that has been corrected at least 6 years ago there is nothing I or any current BOD can do except make sure mistakes of this type do not happen again.

5.The Heritage Campground was also a mistake made by past people in positions of authority,once again nothing the current board can do except not allow it to happen again.

6.Repeating things from previous posts I will agree if a person choses not to participate and support our programs,charter clubs, territorial shoots, national shoots at Friendship, and at Phoenix, Muzzle Blasts will be your only benefit since we are unable to provide shooting opportunities in everyones backyard. I have found that in the NMLRA benefits are equal to the effort I put out.

7.Discounts would be a great benefit, but if the vendors aren't willing there is little we can do to force them to grant them to our members.

8.The western shoot has been supported by Friendship since it's beginning (which couldn't have happened without that support) including financial support for the years it lost money.
All money from all NMLRA sponsered events returns to Friendship since this is our headquarters,office, and accounting dept.

9.I have and will answer any and all who contact me with constructive ideas to move NMLRA forward.

10. I am sure all in assoc. appreciate your past efforts for us and am sorry you did not win the Field Rep of the year.
The primitive camp fees are going to be reviewed at the Dec. budget meeting. The primitive camp comm. and chairman are working out ideas to lower these fees, so hopefully any info I pass along now will be changed. That said I believe it is currently $12.00 a camp per night.

Would encourage all members to contact BOD and support this, also will be attempting to lower shooter registration fees so contacting board members will make this easier.
So if I were to attend the spring shoot, it'd cost me $96.00 to camp in the primitive for the whole 8 days. The foundation rondyvoos are $45.00 if pre-paid for 9-12 days without the carnival atmosphere of Friendship. No thanks.
akapennypincher said:
IMHO the NMLRA will continue to loose members because, the Old Members are Dying Off as they get old, younger people have not been introduce to the fun of shooting Muzzleloaders, and the NMLRA Board of Directors, and Executive Committee closed mind set. The NMLRA Board of Directors, and Executive Committee don’t listen to what MEMBERS WANT TO SEE CHANGED.


You take every opportunity to rip the NMLRA. Since you feel as you do, why not just forget about them and move on with your life? Why do you have this crusade to continue to speak badly of them? You seem to be on a vendetta to convince others to not join or to quit? What's the big deal? Don't join, get over it, move the F on! :shake:
From now on I will refrain from posting my long winded, diplomatic responses to posts like his and wait for you to say pretty much what I'm thinking. Thank-you for stating the obvious so clearly and simply. :bow: :bow:
I did not see one constructive part of your critisism which was not already corrected.
Yeah, the tipis where nice in the 1980ies, but reenactment has moved on. Less western and more eastern influence, which reflects the reenacting scene east of the Mississipi. There are a lot of younger people in the ranks, but we need to open the communication channel to them and actively communicate.
And the Board of Directors is open to ideas, but they must be constructive and not just warming up things from the past. I think this post has already produced good constructive ideas and we want to keep it that way.
Keb said:
So if I were to attend the spring shoot, it'd cost me $96.00 to camp in the primitive for the whole 8 days. The foundation rondyvoos are $45.00 if pre-paid for 9-12 days without the carnival atmosphere of Friendship. No thanks.

"The foundation rondyvoos" Whose foundation? What does that mean?
Carnival atmosphere at Friendship? Nothing like that at all. Big and busy, yes. But a great event with something for everyone.
tecum-tha said:
I did not see one constructive part of your critisism which was not already corrected.
Yeah, the tipis where nice in the 1980ies, but reenactment has moved on. Less western and more eastern influence, which reflects the reenacting scene east of the Mississipi. There are a lot of younger people in the ranks, but we need to open the communication channel to them and actively communicate.
And the Board of Directors is open to ideas, but they must be constructive and not just warming up things from the past. I think this post has already produced good constructive ideas and we want to keep it that way.

What we will be seeing at local reenactment events will reflect more strongly only local interests. e.g. eastern people will do eastern things. western people will do more of the mountain man thing. Costs for travel will change the face of ronny camps. That is sad as we all enjoy seeing what others are doing from other parts of the country. Nobody can order that to change.
Mike Brooks said:
The Bevel Brothers retired a few months ago and they are greatly missed.
They were actually run off by the board because they were too "controversial" :youcrazy:
I went to F-ship from 1980 through about 2004 or so. I went as a primitive shooter and a skeet shooter. Then I went for probably 8 years as a vendor on commercial row.
I don't shootcompetitively any more, no time. I don't hold a booth down there any more, no sales.The entire time I went there I found it to be extreamly expensive. I don't know how a young family could afford to go, which I think is the main problem. TOO DAMNED EXPENSIVE!
The magazine absolutely sucks. :barf:

yup, I was a member but got tired of Al Richards crappy inline hunting articles I got really over it when he slamed CO,ID etc...
for their traditional anti scope view.
I wrote a letter to the board and their reply was who are you and what do you know.
I sent them a bill for the balance of my membership(never saw it) and told them not only do they do nothing for western shooter but with their atittude I hope they will blame only themselves for dwindling membership numbers.
The Bevel bro's were great reading but that was it.

Cudo's to the forum and the muzzleloading mag for keeping tradition alive.
I agree. I wrote to them, even had a story in their mag, told themn that they kinda left out the west. My story was about western hunting. Never heard a response.
dixie said:
Having just served the first year of my first term as a director for the NMLRA I will attempt to answer your comments to the best of my ability.

1.I have encouraged members comments in every way I know how including encouraging this thread since page 1 and since contact info for all BOD members is easily available don,t see a problem with the sharing of ideas.

2.Any member is encouraged to run for the board, to blame the assoc. because of where those who step up and accept the challenge live is beyond my comprehenshion.

3.Membership is declining at local, state and the national levels, as stated previously in this thread if a person choses not to participate in the programs offered by any org. it is extremely difficult to force them to join.

4. The EVP position was a definite mistake, that has been corrected at least 6 years ago there is nothing I or any current BOD can do except make sure mistakes of this type do not happen again.

5.The Heritage Campground was also a mistake made by past people in positions of authority,once again nothing the current board can do except not allow it to happen again.

6.Repeating things from previous posts I will agree if a person choses not to participate and support our programs,charter clubs, territorial shoots, national shoots at Friendship, and at Phoenix, Muzzle Blasts will be your only benefit since we are unable to provide shooting opportunities in everyones backyard. I have found that in the NMLRA benefits are equal to the effort I put out.

7.Discounts would be a great benefit, but if the vendors aren't willing there is little we can do to force them to grant them to our members.

8.The western shoot has been supported by Friendship since it's beginning (which couldn't have happened without that support) including financial support for the years it lost money.
All money from all NMLRA sponsered events returns to Friendship since this is our headquarters,office, and accounting dept.

9.I have and will answer any and all who contact me with constructive ideas to move NMLRA forward.

10. I am sure all in assoc. appreciate your past efforts for us and am sorry you did not win the Field Rep of the year.

Thank you for taking the time to reply as a NMLRA Director. Hopefully you will share the all comment both in this thread with the other NMLRA Directors.
Rifleman1776 said:
"The foundation rondyvoos" Whose foundation? What does that mean?
Carnival atmosphere at Friendship? Nothing like that at all. Big and busy, yes. But a great event with something for everyone.

The foundation = NRLHF or National Rendezvous & Living History Foundation Inc. They now support 5 (I think) national rondyvoos a year. (Eastern, Southeastern, Northeastern, Old Northwest & Midwestern.) You western fellas see a trend here? I'm not sure how or why it exists but back sometime in the 90's the NMLRA pretty much got tired of people scraping money off the top (yes, stealing) from their rondyvoos so they started the foundation. I think they get to scrape the money off the top now :)
Uh, it is like a carnival, IMHO. Hard to tell where the "club grounds/trailer park" ends and the flea market starts.

The entire time I went there I found it to be (extremely) expensive. I don't know how a young family could afford to go, which I think is the main problem. TOO DAMNED EXPENSIVE!
The magazine absolutely sucks. :barf:

I'm not a young family and I can't justify spending the money on supporting nmlra. Also, the mag has nothing for me. The rondyvoo report consists of the dates the next one will be held. If I'm not mistaken, the rondyvoo actually has to pay to put their ad in the magazine. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

To sum up my feelings of the NMLRA/NRLHF: "It's all about the money, Reno".

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