I will be 76 in a few months and time, combined with "Youthful Excess" have taken their toll. I began shooting traditional muzzleloaders late, in my early to mid-60s. Those smoke belching, sulfur smelling firearms completely dominated my interest for the last 10 years or so. Yes, I stay in practice with my unmentionable firearms, but my dedicated time and energy is directed toward traditional black powder. To me, holding that wood and metal in my hands is like holding history.
Prior to going in for open heart surgery, I asked my son which of my black powder and historic battle rifles he would want if the worst happened in surgery. "All of them" Dad. That was the answer I dreamed about receiving, but didn't expect.
I survived the surgery, so still have possession of the firearms. That's not fully the truth. I did not survive the surgery, but flatlined in the ICU. A nurse jumped on me and performed CPR until the team arrived to jumpstart my heart. And start it did! I'm still here, shooting those ball firing rifles, muskets and pistols!