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Oldest photograph of a dog.

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There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors. Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with lush green grass.
When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place. There is always food and water and warm spring weather. All the animals who have been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. Her bright eyes are intent; her eager body begins to quiver. Suddenly she begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, her legs carrying her faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated.'

We need to believe that.
I'm almost 72 and some mobility issues due to crummy knees...(a 'gift' from my dad). My current pup, Spirit, is diabetic, blind, and 11 or 12. We don't know as she was a rescue - as were the vast majority of the 14 dogs we have had the pleasure of living with since I was a 'pup'. When Spirit, my current companion, goes I don't want a real young dog as I might 'leave her behind' so I am thinking of a senior rescue dog....assuming Spirit does not outlive me!!

I get Rescue Dogs nowadays, all they need is a chance.
Reading some of these posts brings a tear or several. When I thought of old dog pics and family dogs, this pic came to mind.
My 3rd great grandfather Eli Somers. Don’t know the dog’s name but they look like pals. Eli was born in NJ in 1805, moved to Springboro OH in about 1820.
I bet he had some sorta half stock rifle.
Anyway, this is the oldest family dog pic we have… around 1865-1875.


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This is Gus a smaller Aussie. He is the best dog we have ever had. He is a frisbee machine, will play catch with it for hours. He is funny, never had a behavior issue, goes camping with us and just wants to be with us. While he is not a big fan of guns, he likes camping at Friendship. He is almost 12 now and slowing a little. Food is always abailable for him and he regulates himself. He eats maybe once a day only when he is hungry.

This here is babe on the left doing what he loved which hunting without me, then give me a look at if to say I got one where's yours. He was deaf but sign language trained so it never really seemed to bother him. He had passed due to having kidney and liver issues and diabetes you never realize how much a dog gets to you until they pass.
I have since move forward and now his predecessor Gunner on the right picture seems to be following in his footsteps without any issues or troubles learning


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The most physically damaging brawl I ever got into years ago was with a guy starting a Dog fight, we smashed each other up over it but it was worth the trouble.
BTW I dont usually brawl over anything.

I wont tolerate cruelty in any form, its despicable and cowardly.
Most brawls somehow involve a woman. Most women aren't worth the fight, but I've met a few dogs and cats who might be.
Most brawls somehow involve a woman. Most women aren't worth the fight, but I've met a few dogs and cats who might be.

I've never fought over any woman, but I would for my Daughter (mind you shes a Black Belt Tai Kwan Do practitioner LOL).
Anyone whos cruel to any living being needs dealing with.
I have already erased 3 replies to this thread because I promised myself that I'd keep with the theme, that being dogs and their responsible owners. I cried like a baby when our German Shepard died and am not ashamed of it.
I have shed far more tears at the death of my dogs than for humans, even my parents at their deaths. I don't understand that, but it is true.

I believe humans have infinity more worth than animals, but still the attachment I have had to my dogs has been incredibly strong.

I don't belive in modern fiction such as the "Raibow Bridge" stories written in the 1980s and 90s. The Bible does not say what the eternal destiny is for animals, and I am fine with that. I will eventually find out, and whatever the Creator's plan is, I am certain that is the best plan of all.

Just my thoughts on the matter, and worth every penny you paid for them.
I have already erased 3 replies to this thread because I promised myself that I'd keep with the theme, that being dogs and their responsible owners. I cried like a baby when our German Shepard died and am not ashamed of it.
Our vet, since deceased, was a friend. He put Mac down here in our living room not 10 feet from where I am sitting. Tearing as I type and not embarrassed.
It is said that a man is blessed if he has had 1 good Dog. Well let me tell you fellas , MY CUP RUNNETH OVER. I have been blessed with 13 so far. Most times over lapping so that pup learns from vet ,and the vet can hunt until tired then then just walk beside me or let me break trail. Then comes that HORRIBLE day that the Pup has to Hunt alone. The anguish that comes like a dagger to the heart. That dagger carves out, and leaves an empty spot. Dogs are the DEFINITION of Unconditional Love ....A Gift .....I've often pondered the fact that DOG is GOD spelled backwards....A Coincidence? I don't Think so......Be Safe >>>>>>>>Wally
I don't belive in modern fiction such as the "Raibow Bridge" stories written in the 1980s and 90s. The Bible does not say what the eternal destiny is for animals, and I am fine with that. I will eventually find out, and whatever the Creator's plan is, I am certain that is the best plan of all.
Some years ago, a pastor told me that animals do not have souls and do not go to heaven. This was after one of the family dogs got crippled on the road and had to be put down. There were few things I disagreed with that particular pastor about, but I had to bite my tongue rather than ask him just how the HE double hockey sticks he knew that.

I can't really imagine how Heaven could be Heaven without animals... and a few individual humans I've interacted with over the years and haven't seen in a very long time now.
Some years ago, a pastor told me that animals do not have souls and do not go to heaven. This was after one of the family dogs got crippled on the road and had to be put down. There were few things I disagreed with that particular pastor about, but I had to bite my tongue rather than ask him just how the HE double hockey sticks he knew that.

I can't really imagine how Heaven could be Heaven without animals... and a few individual humans I've interacted with over the years and haven't seen in a very long time now.
Dale, I Don't disagree with you BUT I'd like to meet that Preacher. Although the Lord gave Man dominion over the animals , I've never heard that they have no Soul, Anything that Can look at you and speak directly to your heart, without saying a word ,Is very much Superior to most People in the World....If the lowliest Human has a soul there is NO question tn my mind that a Dog has a Soul.....Most of us Can't help but to have a period of guilt and Thankfulness for a successful hunt. This Period is to Thank GOD and the animal for his life as it is our sustainence. I can think of a lot of people who are alive only because it's against the LAW to kill them,,of course I like DOGS better than most PEOPLE.....I never had one LIE or Cheat ME...........BE Safe >>>>>>>>Wally
Dale, I Don't disagree with you BUT I'd like to meet that Preacher. Although the Lord gave Man dominion over the animals , I've never heard that they have no Soul, Anything that Can look at you and speak directly to your heart, without saying a word ,Is very much Superior to most People in the World....If the lowliest Human has a soul there is NO question tn my mind that a Dog has a Soul.....Most of us Can't help but to have a period of guilt and Thankfulness for a successful hunt. This Period is to Thank GOD and the animal for his life as it is our sustainence. I can think of a lot of people who are alive only because it's against the LAW to kill them,,of course I like DOGS better than most PEOPLE.....I never had one LIE or Cheat ME...........BE Safe >>>>>>>>Wally
Well, that particular preacher has gone on to his own reward... some years ago now. I'm hoping he has lots of dogs and cats to keep him company... and to remind him that animals DO go to heaven.

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