Me too and I still can & have the equipment. USCG trained Engineman. Love the GMC 671 marine turbocharged diesel.
I overhauled gasoline and diesel engines back in the day. Ed says: Not that it has anything to do with BP, but, as a EN2 in the Navy I overhauled Fairbanks Morse opposed piston diesels several times. Quite a jump from working on big 'ol diesel parts to the tiny internals of BP revolvers.
Cummins KT 19 diesels
Dang, we need a forum for us to discuss that stuff.
My Dad was a mechanic and specifically trained on the Detroit 671 (translates to an inline 6). My last 20 years I had a stable of 6 of the 6V71 Turbos for fire Pump drivers. 415 hp as I recall. Had worked on them on and off in singles but those were all mine. Despite the brutal service (start up and go to 2700 under a full pump load) never an issue. Due to pump issues they did a project and hired out the in place teardown of the 71s (it had to be third party and my time was taken up by the other jobs I had to do). No issues found. Clean as a whisle.
I spent 30 years in what I call Electro Mechanical work, maint department is misleading. 90% of what I did was fixing things or running down a solution to fix something. Several had been plaughing the two companies I worked for for years. I got more into Building controls, swithgear and still miss owrking on the engines.
I did do some Maint (real maint) on two or three KT-19s. Those were cool engines. The Generator room had gotten built around, you literately had to lower 5 gallon oil buckets down a 8 ft drop by hand.
Maybe the oddest one was the Onan/Cummins Gen set (80KW) driven by a 460 Ford Natural gas engine, it had a turbo charger on it. Natural gas runs 1000 deg at 1800, no provisions to idle it, cooked one Turbo and after that we ran it hard once a year and started, stable and off as soon as steady. No more cooked Turbos but risk of something failing if it had to run for an outage.
Biggest I worked on were some EMDs in a Oil Filed Service Ship (boat?). Forget the model but some new heads and assisted in the setup to jack up the power to 2500 hp (from 1800 as I recall). Spec for the service it was going to be used for.
It was and we were on standby when one of the Heavy Lift ships brought in an oil drilling rig from Africa. Amazing to see a ship sink and the oil rif float off. Vessels was called the Mighty Servent at the time, Brit captain, great accent to go with the ship name.