Truth is some people just don't clean good enough or don't dry the barrel out well enough and they automatically blame Pyrodex. Like I said I been using it over 30 years and no ill effects. I still have almost every gun I bought.
Agree 100%.People might want to read my posts with a little more care before making snide remarks. Snide remarks cannot change facts I might also add.
Yeah but try to do that in a wet and humid environment like western North Carolina and even residue from not rinsing the barrel, after cleaning will corrode a barrel quick...Living in Arizona helps since the hunidity is so low. Also when BP fouling is white it is barely corrosive if at all since it contains little water. Thats why its hard and won't wipe away easily. Fouling from the perchlorate will suck up water at any percentage in the air. BP fouling also sucks up water from the air at percentages over +-30. But the fouling will not attack the metal in the way the perchlorate fouling will even when wet.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would as soon shoot stainless steel balls and clean with battery acid as use that "rust in a bottle" stuff Pyrodex or its cousin 777 The exception is American Pioneer Powder in cap guns.
Go to the Cowboy Action Forum and see the article on Cleaning after Shooting Pyrodex of 777.
This link may work or copy and paste. don't like the "P" stuff, don't use it, don't like it, don't recommend it.
Morel is don't wait 4 days, clean and clean well as soon as possible, no longer than 24 hours at least
I have found that when using wonder lube or Natural Lube 1000 the coating helps keep corrosion down. They do have those claims even though I do not trust them completely. I don't use it on a regular but I use it for my last couple shots and the range and I believe it helps until I get home to do a proper cleaning.
I shoot pyrodex in the matches. If I use real black ,I have to clean between shots and I will not time to score targets.