I'm so glad to feel like I belong! :thumbsup:
I took my new-to-me T/C Hawken to the range today, and dry-balled my first shot. With an audience, of course... :redface: Had one of them fancy screw extractors, but that ball wasn't budging. I vaguely remembered reading a post here about removing the nipple, pouring a bit of powder in, replacing the nipple with a cap and shooting it out. So, I did.
Well, foolish me, I didn't think anything had come out of the barrel, so I put it away and switched to my 22, and made a day of it, figuring I'd resolve the problem when I got home. Lo and behold, the ball was gone!
Where do I apply to be a member of the HONORABLE SOCIETY OF DRYBALLERS. It's kind of like the first scratch on a new car, you don't worry about making a fool of yourself any more.