Belgian made? Yes, I'm sure factory parts would be hard to find. Possibly Uberti parts may be adaptable to it, only way to know would be to try. As to whether it's worth trying it would totally depend on the price to acquire the revolver.
It looks like someone pried on the barrel to get it off the frame. If the damage is confined to the arbor a new one might fix it. If they damaged the frame threads it's gonna' be a job for a machinist to have any hope of repair. I have handled original Colts with similar issues from people mishandling them over the years. Most were at a point where they were only fit for wall hanger status. The gun in question looks decent otherwise but it would have to be cheap before I risked my money on it. If you could take it apart to get an idea just how much damage there is (and to what parts) it would certainly help in figuring out what is needed to fix it.