Revolver suggestions & questions?

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Blizzard of 93 said:
there is a BP revolver venue in Olympic shooting/handgun competition? :confused: news to me. it would tickle me pink if there was though.
Yes, there is and a hunting buddy of mine is into it. He's been to Switzerland, Hawaii and Austrailia...that I know of and there are many other national events that he's in as a regular competitor.

Good hunting, Bowhunter57
Try filing the retainer where the rammer catches on it. Just a little bit will do it--most of them are made too round there.

A military type holster rig with a shoulder strap that crosses the chest--a Sam Browne type--works perfectly with all the big Colts.
A bit of clarification here....

There is not an Olympic event for black powder firearms. There IS a World Muzzle-Loading Championship, which has revolver events. We had two revolver events, a third and an aggregate got added at the Worlds this August.

See either the Muzzle-Loading Associations International Commitee website at or the U.S. International Muzzle-Loading Team at for more information.
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Mike OTDP said:
A bit of clarification here....

There is not an Olympic event for black powder firearms. There IS a World Muzzle-Loading Championship, which has revolver events. We had two revolver events, a third and an aggregate got added at the Worlds this August.
Mike OTDP,
I stand corrected, sir. I'll have to ask, the next time I see Kim Best, what organization that he was shooting with in Holland, Hawaii and Austrailia. He shoots in Friendship, Indiana, on a regular basis, so perhaps it was something to do with the NMLRA (muzzleloading version of the NRA).

Good hunting, Bowhunter57
Mike OTDP said:
Kim was shooting with the USIMLT. Say Hello for me.
Mike OTDP,
I will do that and who shall I tell is saying "hello"? Your info doesn't say where you're from, etc.

I'm in Lima, just south of Bluffton. I've shot with Kim at Ft. McCarther (near Williams Town), Hog Creek Game Club (near Ada) and several other 3-D archery competitions around the region.

Good hunting, Daniel Mathewson a.k.a. Bowhunter57