Most police officers hired today are college grads with degrees in social work, or sociology or psychology, who could not find a job. They stay with the cops because it pays better, while they either get a Master's degree, or a degree in another field, and then move on. Most have never fired a gun before attending the police academy. Most will never have any interest in the shooting sports for recreation, and most will not know anything about guns except the one they carry or were trained with. And, they don't want to know.
We all know that firearm safety is a function of habit, and habits are a function of lots of nagging, mostly by parents, until you get it right, and it becomes an unconscious action you take. If Police officers were trained the same way that race drivers, and body guards are trained to drive cars, they would be among the very best drivers. In most cases, the training the are given amounts to little more than driver's ed in high school. More emphasis is given to how to activate the lights, siren, and use the on board computers to write traffic tickets, than learning how to drive properly under emergency conditions.
With firearms, the recruits are given more hours on the range, and more ammo to shoot than 50 years ago, because it takes them so much longer to be able to shoot a qualifying score. When I was a kid, you qualified with a handgun from 7 to 50 yds. Now, it is 3 to 15 yds. Almost any recreational shooter can shoot better than most of the recruits.
If the police want to use your range, don't turn them away so quickly. Simply insist that your members will serve as Master Range officers, who will oversee the police range officers to make sure that the range is not trashed, and accidental discharges do not happen. You can refuse to allow them to use (full)automatic weapons on your range, for instance. You have a right to insist on certain conditions to keep your range neighbors happy. Its one thing to live next to a live range firing semi-auto firearms all day. Its quite another to hear a full auto rip off a string of shots. That is also how most Baffles are shot up. Baffles overhead, are used to keep bullets from being fired over the backstop. You range officer can insist that police officers abandone the " Andy Device( Jingles ) " method of raising the barrel vertical to cock the hammer, and then throw the barrel down towards the target. Either motion is dangerous, and account for why holes show up in the roofs of firing lines. \
I believe that if your Club range officers are there to lay down the rules, and police the cops, they will have a better time, will learn something, and you will make some fine friends for the club. It never hurts to know cops from the shooting range.