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Scammers and Payment

Muzzleloading Forum

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Talked to a friend yesterday that manages a local bank. Told me he has never before seen the quantity of people trying to cash fake checks and/or scam folks out of their money as he is seeing today. The scams he sees are more sophisticated everyday and it’s an all day challenge to protect everyone’s money. He feels if people would just think before entering into a transaction, a lot of the scams could be eliminated, but too many can’t or won’t think, then get mad at everyone else when they get taken. If you would like talk to some scammers, just answer your phone next time you get a call from an unknown caller. Good chance one will be on the line waiting to talk to you.
Here's a question for you: Do you think you can understand "crypto" without genuinely understanding blockchain technology and the mathematical theories underlying it? I don't. How many people do you think will (and can) go that far? Very few. And all the simplistic analogies in the world won't address that problem. Sure, maybe people can understand the POLITICAL issues swirling around crypto (or some of them, anyway), but those POLITICAL issues are caused in large part by underlying TECHNICAL issues which most people will NEVER understand.
I understand the capabilities of blockchain technology…the ledger, how the currencies are maintained. I understand mining and how mining works to maintain the blockchain and how gas fees work. I could not write the code, so my general understanding is enough to be dangerous. But you don’t need and in-depth understanding to use it…I don’t need to know how a dollar is made I order to use it. Down load a digital wallet such Guarda Wallet or XUMM wallet and you can start buying and holding crypto…or open an account on an exchange and start buying and holding crypto.

The technology right now is very early in its development, I compare it to when computers ran on DOS (disk operating system) and you almost needed to know how to run code in order to use those early systems. That’s kind of where crypto is right now.

Decentralized Finance is something that I’m exploring right now and it is very intriguing to me. This is what scares the banks, because the people now control their money and all the fees that banks collect and charge…go away and the people start taking control of their own funds and finances. I have assets in a Liquidity Pool’ earning about 14.5% ap. I have assets that are staked on a blockchain earning 18% apy. I found a DeFi group, where the apy interest is 857% apy…I just haven’t taken the plunge yet…

Last year a group of hackers shutdown the power grid on the east coast and held it hostage for a couple million dollars in BitCoin. Couple months later, all the BitCoin was recovered and the hackers have been found…this narrative the crypto is used to launder money and is used by criminals couldn’t be farther from the truth. That narrative was promoted and has been perpetuated by JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, CitiBank, etc. And the sick thing is that as they pushed this garbage to people away from the markets…they were quietly open wallets and accumulating. Blockchain is decentralized…you can go onto the blockchain and see every wallet, every single transaction…you just don’t know who the wallet belongs too. I watch a couple whales on several blockchains. I buy when they buy…sell when they sell and hold while they hold. When those wallets open I get an alert…

This market is not for the faint of heart. If you put $40,000 into the market…you can see it go up to $100,000 in a few weeks and then crash down to $27,000 weeks later…if that would kill you, DO NOT invest in crypto. I have learned so much about world and global markets, I’m learning about Fibonacci Retracements…the 0.702 is a critical Fibonacci in crypto…

I love this market…pulled everything out of my mutual funds, transferred my stocks, and I‘m shifting into this space.

Imagine buying Apple stock at $1.00, or when GM Stock dropped to $0.05 during the great crash of 2008.

When I got into crypto it was around $800 billion…now it’s around $2.0 trillion on its way towards $18 to $20 trillion. This will be the largest transfer of wealth in history…nothing like it has ever happened. But it is very speculative, lots of risk…and scary.
And I’ll question the validity of any of this on a traditional muzzleloader site!
The thread is about how to buy and sell muzzleloaders safely, avoiding scammers and payment systems for buying our treasured blackpowder firearms. On this thread, people are talking about how they use money orders, credit cards, meeting in public places…

How do I explain that I use crypto….when no one knows or understands how it works?
Crypto, BitCoin, alternative currencies codes and international banking have little to do with us at the level we deal with here and nothing to do with buying muzzleloaders and related or avoiding scams. Please, let's end this discussion and move on (or better yet, lock this thread). :dunno: This discussion could be much better handled using Conversations (PMs).
Or, maybe you just stop paying attention to it?

Given that the subject has occupied 7 long posts which seem to amount to a discussion between two individuals and is not related to this forum in any way I fail to see how it's possible to ignore it if one is searching for posts related to "Scammers and Payment". I'm sorry but I see it as derailing the thread. You both have provided us with much useful information in the past but this just isn't relevant. Yes I'm aware of the Ignore feature but using it can sometimes break the flow of information in a thread when someone posts something relevant that we all can benefit from.
Sorry, but if you couldn't write the code, then you really don't understand it. It's like saying, "Yeah, I understand the Special Theory of Relativity. Of course, I don't know what the equations are that govern it. What's all that stuff about Lorenz transformations?" Then no, you don't understand the theory. You may understand a caricature of the theory. Or maybe some examples of consequences of the theory. You may think you understand certain simplistic analogies that you've seen. But you don't understand it. And you certainly shouldn't be attempting to instruct other people in it.
Think of it this way…just because I can’t build a car from scratch, doesn’t mean I don’t know how to operate one, or that I can’t explain the operation of an internal combustion engine. Understanding how the blockchain works and how to use tge blockchain is fundamental. You do‘t need to be an engineer to use crypto.

Yeah, but it's not the personal USE of a dollar or of a Bitcoin that's the concern. Come on, you know that. Your original posting wasn't about USING bitcoin, but its critical importance as a fundamental part of world finance and the accumulation of wealth. That's what all the serous-sounding talk about the SEC and banks was all about -- not Joe Bubba buying his black powder with Bitcoin.
The system is setup for trustless money transfers. If I send a guy crypto, and the item doesn’t arrive…I can go out on the blockchain and see where my money went, what wallet it went into, how much crypto is in that wallet. What transactions have gone in and out of that wallet. Talk about being able to collect evidence of fraud in a financial transaction.

You don't mean "run the code". You actually WERE running the code (or causing the OS to do so) by using the system, and every time you typed a line to the command interpreter. You mean (I THINK) how to create the code and perhaps insert it into the system (to modify or enhance the system capabilities). But I'm guessing what you actually mean since what you said doesn't make sense. In any event, to use DOS all you needed to know was the (documented) command set and a few basic concepts like file, directory (or folder), and what command to use to start an application (like a word processor or spreadsheet). No users ever saw the actual code that ran on the machine, although they could write programs in batch files containing command language. But most users didn't even do that.
You are missing my meaning. Compared to what we have today. DOS is pretty primitive…it was the original form of computing technology. Crypto as it sits today is pretty primitive, in my opinion. It’s being developed, there are some very solid projects out there that are being designed to solve real world problems. My personal interest and focus are the banking and finance sectors of crypto. I see a lot of potential, growth and wealth in that sector of crypto.

Given that your use of "run the code" here is incoherent, and your understanding of DOS and its use seems fundamentally flawed, it's hard to proceed past that in order to figure out what your analogy is and how accurate it may be. But I think I have a good idea of your technical understanding of both DOS and crypto-currency at this point, and so I'm going to bail,
Again, you are missing my point, but that’s fine.
This sure has wandered a long way from my original post about paying for a muzzle loader.
And here I thought this thread was gonna be another "The Harbor Freight Tools Of"..., oh,nevermind.
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