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I smoke corncobs, clays, meerschaum and briar pipes, mostly with an English blend that's heavy on latakia. Clays are about the only ones that are pc on the frontier, I suspect. Cobs give one a very good smoke. So does Meerschaum and briar. Clay takes some getting used to. Since the pipe is supposed to be porous, I've always been leery of smoking one made of metal. graybeard
I buy the cheapest, nastiest rolling tobacco I can get locally for events ("top", "bugler", etc.). It's probably a close approximation of 18th/19th century Maryland "leaf" anyway. The main idea, however, is this way I won't get too fond of it. Smoked for 12+/- years from teenage until I got the better of it.

The ubiquitous clay pipe works for me. For $6 to $8 a piece, if you crush it - it won't break your bank account to replace it. If you break the stem, you get a shorter Cutty ! I don't think enough guys ( girls either ) take up the pipe at events. Historically, there should be a whole lot of smokin' goin' on - and
not just from out of gun barrels !
Pierre a' Fusil said:
I buy the cheapest, nastiest rolling tobacco I can get locally for events ("top", "bugler", etc.). It's probably a close approximation of 18th/19th century Maryland "leaf" anyway.
The ubiquitous clay pipe works for me. For $6 to $8 a piece, if you crush it - it won't break your bank account to replace it. If you break the stem, you get a shorter Cutty ! I don't think enough guys ( girls either ) take up the pipe at events. Historically, there should be a whole lot of smokin' goin' on - and
not just from out of gun barrels !

Yeah, if you're gonna smoke at an event leave the cigs. at home
Had a great grandmother that was captured by Indians and eventually the ransom, which included a horse 6 blankets and a slave boy was paid so she could come back. Smoked a clay pipe and my mom says she would send her to the store with $.05 to buy a penny pipe and three cents of tobacco and could keep the change as hush money. I think pipe smoking looks better then "pimp sticks" as cigarettes were called in the lumber woods. Great gramps said real men smoked cigars, pipes and chewed. Never could do the chew though, yyuuuccckkk
When I was working on a freighter on the Great lakes my 1st AE was a pipe smoker. When he took a "smoke break" I knew it would be a nice long one... :grin:
His whole process of smoking a pipe was almost a ritual...
I like a mix of orientals and va's. My favorites for walking are Frog Morton On The Town and Arcadia. For sit-down smokes the best stuff is ET's penzance. It's absolutely amazing.

I buy the cheapest, nastiest rolling tobacco I can get locally for events ("top", "bugler", etc.). It's probably a close approximation of 18th/19th century Maryland "leaf" anyway.

Remember, the white burleys used in modern cigs and for the cheaper pipe baccy are NOT historically correct before the Civil War era. The hybrid did not exist then, nor did the modern processes for making cig baccy. I believe a truer primal baccy would be a mix heavy with straight va's and maybe some Choctaw/cajun perique blended in for spice. I'm not entirely sure when the near eastern ("oriental") and Turkish strains became available. I don't think they would have been widely distributed stateside prior to the Victorian era. A straight VA will give you a very different smoking experience than white burley flavored garbage. It's hotter and much more intense--also smells far nicer. When you've had the real thing you'll never go back to the mutant hybrid.
I like black and natural Cavendish, get the generic brand from over on the Indian rez, cheap but still good smoking.

Have several clays and many briars, which are my favorites.
Thanks for the correct spelling for Meerschaum, couldn't find it any way using my "interpretation" of the word. I have tried some original type rope tobacco and also English plug cut which is the discs sliced off the rope which you then crumbled before use in your pipe. No wonder they could feed them bully beef and salt pork, just powerful nasty stuff that baccy.
I suppose someone also talked you into trying Kinickinick- Indian tobacco. Dixie GWs sell the stuff. Its also awful to smoke, or chew.

Use your favorite tobacco in your pipe. Its hard enough to find any place where you can legally smoke. IF someone is going to object that you are smoking something you like, tell them to take a hike!
the kinikinick from crazy crow isnt too bad, mostly burley/cavendish tobaccos with some herbs and barks mixed in
where are all those golden years i heard about??

by the time you get old enuff to have time and money, the docs say, no smoking, no drinking no walking, no eating and no nothing..

so i say, ' enjoy yourself while you can' this getting old manure ain't for the weak..

xxgrampa said:
where are all those golden years i heard about??

by the time you get old enuff to have time and money, the docs say, no smoking, no drinking no walking, no eating and no nothing..

so i say, ' enjoy yourself while you can' this getting old manure ain't for the weak..


Yeah, the doc told me that if I cut out all the food that tasted good, and the booze, and the women, and the wild parties, that I could add 10 years to my life. But I told him if I cut all that out, what would be left to enjoy for 10 whole extra years of a miserable life? He didn't have an aswer for that!

Mikey - that grumpy ol' German blacksmith out in the Hinterlands
Knicknick ?
Anyway, the stuff out here grows wild like weeds. It smokes nice and makes a nice laxative if you steep in water to form a tea.

xxgrampa said:
where are all those golden years i heard about??

by the time you get old enuff to have time and money, the docs say, no smoking, no drinking no walking, no eating and no nothing..

so i say, ' enjoy yourself while you can' this getting old manure ain't for the weak..


You got that right, I do enjoy my vices, at my age I would hate like Hades to die of nothing.
xxgrampa said:
where are all those golden years i heard about??

by the time you get old enuff to have time and money, the docs say, no smoking, no drinking no walking, no eating and no nothing..

so i say, ' enjoy yourself while you can' this getting old manure ain't for the weak..


What am I missing in you comment! :confused: Your age is only 22 :shocked2: HELL!..I must be really, really old! :cursing:

you old dudes are absolutly keerect..live high and die from some thing..

don't know where that 22 came from. but, i like it cause thats the way i feel. :grin: :grin:

howsomever, once in a while, just once in a while. i'll look in a mirror and wonder who that old man is looking back at me.. :shocked2:

I bought two of those kinikinick from crazy crow the eastern woodlands flavor is my fav. has a slight cherry flavor.dont remember what the other kind was now.