Honey doooos. Cleaned a Santa Fe Hawken, got a tire fixed, baked some brownies and went to a rehearsal at the theater where I sing [they ate half of my brownies]. Came home and got on this infernal machine. I'll fix dinner soon, watch a basketball game and go to bed [whenever Betty tells me it's time] Polecat
Hi. I sing at a small theater in Oklahoma. No shows but we do Southern Gospel music on Friday and traditional country on Saturday. I've been singing there for about 8 years [usually go to South Texas for four or five winter months]. I'm not so good but I sing with several Traditional Country Music Hall of Fame members. The band leader and singer is a Multi Platinum song writer [he has written for George Strait]. For me it is just an opportunity. I've tried to quit but the others won't let me.; just fun for me. Polecat [Dale]