There's been a lot of posting on this thread and another "conversation" somewhere else. I responded that I haven't shot a ramrod ever before and I've been muzzleloading for over 55 years.
Well, I should never have read any of the posts about it and now I have to "fess up". I think I launched mine last week, though I can't prove it. I generally load with the wood underbarrel ram rod at the range and of course I did so when hunting. I will now lay out the evidence I DO have and let everyone to decide YEA or NAY because I can't decide, myself.
I was shooting my .45 flintlock and I was alone at the range and I prefer this with no witnesses. I was loading & shooting, loading and shooting but when I started to load the next shot I could find no ramrod anywhere. That was the most critical evidence I could find, and I searched the entire empty firing shelter but found nothing. I then started walking downrange sweeping the ground with my eyes and thought if I did launch it I should be able to find it. I moved slowly down and back with with careful attention to anything remotely "stick like". Well nothing to do so I packed up and headed home. Fortunately I had a replacement rod so the rifle is complete once more. I've "dry balled" more times than I can count but never this!
Did I actually launch it???