Here are a couple of bad pictures of the rifle made from the Issac Haines precarve from hell, dingy un-remarkable pictures that are common when taken in a shop on a rainy day.
"Precarve from hell"? you might say, here is why, I am sure I will have forgotten a bunch of the flaws.
The ramrod hole was drilled to have a 3/8" web at the breech, the buttplate was installed by track so I was limited on how much i could drop the barrel and still have the comb line up properly.
The lock inlet put the pan below the side flat of the barrel, it took lots wood and glue to close the inlet to redo.
The barrel was inletted at a very obvious slant, not straight down, I reinletted the whole thing.
The ramrod groove was cut with a 1/2" bow to the side, I couldn't fix this.
Because of the 3/8" web I was limited to how deep I could put the trigger plate, I had to stop just as I was getting into the ramrod channel. The triggers were too low so I had to add metal to the trigger bar to get it to reach the sear of the lock.
The stock was not cut straight, I didn't notice until I laid out the centerline from the ramrod groove to the toe of the butt tock that it had a distinct twist and bow below the lock panel. I could even this out with some side to side wood removal but some of it is still there if you look close.
Those are just the biggies, there were plenty of easily correctable little things. I should have trashed the stock and started over but being exceptionally bull headed I forged ahead. As you can see the wood is pretty nice, this is what kept me from trashing the stock.
I suspect the gun to be great shooter, this is all I really wanted out of a bargain basement second hand kit. I had Bobby Hoyt re-bore the barrel from a .50 to a .54 as I prefer a .54 for deer hunting. I paid $650 shipped for the kit from a guy who didn't want to put it together, he didn't know it had such flaws because he took it in trade and never looked it over. I ran the numbers on Tracks on-line order form and came up with $1100 worth of parts plus track had cut all the dovetails and installed the buttplate as well as included every drill, tap and counter sink to complete the build.
And now the finished gun;