What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

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Today I drilled and cross-pinned a rod end I epoxied on yesterday. This was a fiberglass rod in a sad Renegade I have had a while and never shot. It bothered me that the replacement rod was just cut off and did not have a threaded end. It does now.
My birthday was a few weeks ago. My wife ordered a coon skin cap. I guess she thinks I look like Daniel Boone with my flintlock rifle. It arrived yesterday.

Last week I finished my first attempt at making a powder horn. I planned to try scrimshawing the text and graphic, but my practice pieces turned out terrible. I wound up drawing everything. Benjamin Stephens was my 5th Great Grandfather and was a private in the Revolutionary War. My humble tribute to him.
You did a great job on the horn, how did you draw what you have on it?
The original caplock build was not mine and is likely as old as I am / from the late 60's or early 70's, from the maker of the lock. I wanted to clean it up some and convert it to flintlock, see earlier post.

Today, I woke up late, but got right to installing a ventliner, made a holder so it could be sanded to the correct depth on the belt sander. Cleaned up some more on the gouges, working towards a finer sandpaper around the scroll work. Since I had to disassemble the lock to start inletting it over old mortise, decided to make a video on removing the spring from a T/C or Interarms lock. Really easy method, I simply use a pipe cleaner to remove and install the lock. I will likely upload the video this evening as initial timeline was showing 2 hours for a little over a minute video.


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Nice morning here. Got out with a friend and shot the Centennial and McCoy. As always had fun and was humbled.
Found that the end of my short starter wasn’t pinned on, just glued. Got pinched between the ball and patch and came off when I pulled the starter out. Had to send it home and let er goooooooo


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Yesterday, went to the range and adding to the air pollution south of Nampa, Idaho with the Hawken. It was BEAUTIFUL! The day, not my shooting. Although, even at 50 yards, open sights, bad eyesight, I was able to keep it all within a 4" circle.
You did a great job on the horn, how did you draw what you have on it?
Thank you.

I found a Gadsden image online that I liked. Printed it, then rubbed a soft pencil on the back. Basically, home-made carbon paper. I positioned the snake on the horn with tape, then traced the printed image with a pen. This gave me a faint pattern on the horn.

I have experimented with various pens to find a solvent resistant ink. I used this pen to trace over the pencil pattern. After drying the ink with a heat gun, I gave the horn a light coat of satin polyurethane. I used the same technique to produce the name and dates on the other side of the horn.
I went to my teachers shop to work on the Fowler build. We worked on final shaping of the wood around the lock and lock plate. I had thinned it out considerably a few days ago in my shop, but he suggested a few final adjustments and now it's really looking great. After that he gave me a lesson in carving, stabbing in the outline, incised and relief. I learned a lot today and soon I'll be carving the Fowler.
Since the previous thread was shut down (locked) by our new moderator, I thought I would start one up again, as per the suggestion.
So, let's get this thread going again, and share your muzzleloading related adventures of the day!
Today I taught a class of 7 new-to-the-trail Pilgrims our 'Introduction to Black Powder shooting' course. 2 hours of classroom, 2 hours onthe range shooting under supevision of an experienced mentor, 1/2 hour of guncleaning and care. All went well; 7 smiling faces at the end of the session. As usual, some will stick; some won't, but they all left with the basic knowledge to do it safely.
Today I taught a class of 7 new-to-the-trail Pilgrims our 'Introduction to Black Powder shooting' course. 2 hours of classroom, 2 hours onthe range shooting under supevision of an experienced mentor, 1/2 hour of guncleaning and care. All went well; 7 smiling faces at the end of the session. As usual, some will stick; some won't, but they all left with the basic knowledge to do it safely.
That’s great! Keeping the sport alive and growing!
This started about 8+ years ago. Picked up a Flintlock Fowler "kit" from one of the Guys here. Started working on and after a time, the building spirit just got up and left town. Misc parts went into hiding over time THEN finally showed up. :D
After cleaning some of my BP guns that hadn't been shot for quite a while, figured time to send some of them "down the road" to someone else to shoot and enjoy. And being that the Fowler wasn't even half built, started looking for a builder. Parts for a partially built Fowler WILL probably go into hiding again so I did some digging and found someone that was into taking over from where I left off.
SO, around the first of the year, my partial built Fowler was shipped to the builder.

Last Friday, it landed at our rural PO and I picked it up. :cool:
Sure is pretty.
Now the only question is, do I keep it and fire it or pass it along to someone that will shoot and enjoy it? :confused:
The barrel and #3 culry maple stock for my fullstock plains rifle project….have arrived

For this rifle project. The link below is a Dave Morreli video, where he’s shooting the system and features of a gun that I will be building. It’s an early style Hawken…

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Went out to the desert range this morning and shot a .54 cal flintlock. Had a few minor but aggravating problems with it because I didn't take the time to check out the accoutrements for swabbing and cleaning before I went out. After getting straightened out I shot my .62-20 ga. smooth bore rifle without any trouble except putting a new flint in the hammer. All in all it was an enjoyable time. Only shot five or six shots from each gun but there was a friend there too so it was enough. He was shooting a three band Enfield.
Beautiful day at the range. Had the place to myself. Shooting my Frontier .50 percussion rifle, 50 grains Triple 7 2f, .490 ball, .010 patch.

I am trying to shoot only off hand these days. No kneeling, no bench. Go old timey or go home.

75 yds, no wind today at all, makes a huge difference.
March 27th 2022 75 yds.jpg

100 yds
March 27th 2022 100 yds.jpg

Ok so no groups at 100 yds, but I have to remind myself; off hand, patched round ball, 12" square, primitive open sights and 65 yr old eyes. So I am ok with it. :)

Great to get out and shoot, might be my last outing for while with this rifle....new flintlock version of it comes this week!!
Shoot safe, RR
Mar 27th Frontier.jpg
Beautiful day at the range. Had the place to myself. Shooting my Frontier .50 percussion rifle, 50 grains Triple 7 2f, .490 ball, .010 patch.

I am trying to shoot only off hand these days. No kneeling, no bench. Go old timey or go home.

75 yds, no wind today at all, makes a huge difference.
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100 yds
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Ok so no groups at 100 yds, but I have to remind myself; off hand, patched round ball, 12" square, primitive open sights and 65 yr old eyes. So I am ok with it. :)

Great to get out and shoot, might be my last outing for while with this rifle....new flintlock version of it comes this week!!
Shoot safe, RR
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I think you did real well for off hand shooting!!
Beautiful day at the range. Had the place to myself. Shooting my Frontier .50 percussion rifle, 50 grains Triple 7 2f, .490 ball, .010 patch.

I am trying to shoot only off hand these days. No kneeling, no bench. Go old timey or go home.

75 yds, no wind today at all, makes a huge difference.
View attachment 130660

100 yds
View attachment 130661

Ok so no groups at 100 yds, but I have to remind myself; off hand, patched round ball, 12" square, primitive open sights and 65 yr old eyes. So I am ok with it. :)

Great to get out and shoot, might be my last outing for while with this rifle....new flintlock version of it comes this week!!
Shoot safe, RR
View attachment 130662
Good shooting!
Bought some heavy wall tube 1” OD. 1/4” wall
39” long 0.5” bore £36 free delivery. EBay uk
I was prompted to buy it as I had a right row with joan my wife , ( Garmin v her Iphone ) cheered me up a bit I also have same in 5/8 bore but only 33” long Just getting the makings together. Think it will be Oval bore The 0.6 inch ball presses in well into a .625 bore. Joans tea towel was a bit thin ha ha
I have one exceedingly heavy octagonal .45 bore but only 27” long. I want to concentrate on American flint rifles

tomorrows another day Love to you all.


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easy peasy! i don't argue. just say "yes dear" then sneak out and do what i want!
worked some more on my pistol.
got tired so got out the TC .45 Hawken Flint. after i hardened the feather on the thing it just shoots. instant ignition and every time.
am at 48 shots on this flint. sharpened once today. and i was going to sell it!!! i
it has a permanent spot in my collection now.


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