I shot my Ruger OA today at 25 yards to see how the .45 bullet does. Used Swiss 3F tad over 31 gr. First shot from clean bore went left but I put 5 in 1-1/8", just hits high from RB. Tryed Pyrodex P and did not like it at all. Might be too old. I had 2 that the cap fired but not the pyrodex and I had seated the caps well, new caps worked.
I pulled the hammer spring after cleaning to find it was very short so put a Wolff spring in. New spring is 1-1/2 times longer. I made a tool for changing springs.
I pulled the hammer spring after cleaning to find it was very short so put a Wolff spring in. New spring is 1-1/2 times longer. I made a tool for changing springs.