texan said:
Where I live all I have available locally is pyrodex. My understanding is that pyrodex is like black powder in most respects except that its cleaner, a little less smokey, and has a higher ignition temperature. These all sound like positives to me. What am I missing out on? And if I were to switch to BP what brand should I choose?
Taylor in Texas
Well, rather than listen to all of the advice of people who have never shot anything but black, you could always listen to a "convert" like me. :v
I shoot and have shot both Inline and Side Locks. Pyrodex and other such substitutes work well in inlines, but only marginally in Sidelocks, and nearly not at all in Flintlocks.
Why? All the Substitutes have a much higher required ignition temperature than real Black, and there is an awful long flame path in a sidelock from cap (#11s especially) to chamber. Even in my Inline Pistol that uses a #11 cap, I occasionally get a failure to fire with Substitutes.
As for Cleanup, I believed the Hype about "Water only Cleanup" too. Well, it is essentially true, but low and behold, it is also true for real BP.
So here is where I am on the issue:
I shoot 3F BP in my sidelocks.
I shoot either 3F 777 ot 4F BP in my Ruger Old Army and Traditions BuckHunter pistol.
I shoot Substitutes in my Mossberg Inline barrel
and I shoot 3F BP in my Flinter.
When I run out of Substitutes, I will likely not buy any more unless I find one brand or another works particularly well in my .357 cartridges.
At almost double the money per pound, why buy substitutes?