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Who else has "given up" trekking/re-enacting. Why?

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I've been looking in to this reenacting/rendezvous/trekking thing and there are a couple of salient points I have to study up on before I commit.
1. The PC Nazis, as they've been called, do they bathe everyday? If so, do they use lye soap? I have read many times that these real life folks didn't have much use for bathing. Some even thought it unhealthy.
2. Do they go to the bathroom? Not everyone grew corn (for cobs) and not everyone lived in an area with trees that had big leaves. I can't for the life of me recall documentation of using toilet paper.
I believe that if I had been treated in such a manner for asking simple questions, why, I'd have just followed the dude around till nature called and asked for documentation on his actions!

Yeah that's a great attitude. It sounds like you've made your mind up before you even give people a chance? Going into an activity with a chip on your shoulder is not a great way to start. Now, perhaps you were joking, but I didn't read it that way.

Guess that's why I'm still just considering the idea instead of acting on it.

So, in other words, you've never reenacted or encountered any of these "people", yet you perpetuate the term "PC NAZI" because you've heard it used by others?

I don't mean to single you out, but I've pretty much had it with the terms "PC Nazi" and "Thread Counter". It's becoming synonymous with "Reenactor" and it's a disservice to us all.

I've come to believe that most of the time the people using these terms have no experience to draw on, they are simply "parroting" what others have said. We've got people "warning" others about the "Thread Counters" when in fact, they don't know what they're talking about. That can be very misleading to young people who are considering getting into the sport.

Yes, some of us have met people who were way out of line, but that's by far the minority and not indicative of the reenacting community. Most people involved are generous and willing to help beginners, but you wouldn't know that based on all the name calling by those with no experience or who may have met a few bad apples.
:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :master: :master: :master: Claude, I tryed to say that, but it didn't come out like you. Guess I'm getting soft. But you hit it right on the nail.

"History preserved, though knowledge shared."
You nailed it Claude. The caring, giving folks in the sport outnumber the skunks. But for the sake of the sport, it's probably time to root the skunks out from under the woodshed. The old timers know who they are and won't listen to them and basically ignore them, so the stinkers run around looking for the newcomers and potential joiners so they can have an audience.

We had an annual vous years ago that was as good as it gets till the skunks got control and started making up rules that excluded a lot of folks. Killed the vous off in two years, and to this day you can hardly buy a percussion cap in this town, much less a flint or a can of real black powder. I know of ONE sidelock for sale among 5 sporting good stores, and it's a bare cheapie. There's a half a dozen inlines in every rack though, and the folks buying them have nothing else to go on. All the sporting good shops still remember the skunks twenty-five years later and still don't want to encourage them.

Anyone sport with skunks in hiding had better de-scent them or get rid of them if they expect lots of new folks to come to their lawn party!
Claude,.... I agree, I think a few fellas considering join'n a re-enactment group, may be more eager to "find fault" then the experienced re-enactors themselves. This is definitly the wrong attitude to have when first join'n any group.

Claude..good post. I don't feel singled out at all. I can easily understand where you're coming from. Sure didn't mean to pour salt in a wound and it's obvious I did. Please accept my apologies. Most of what I said was indeed "tongue in cheek". Sorry it didn't come across that way. I did use the term PC Nazis because I've seen it used many times before, you're correct there, but I don't think it's synonomus with reenacter, at least not in my mind. (By the way, I don't like "Smoke Nazis or Fashion Nazis either.)

I have been to a few events, mostly Ft Toulouse since it is only an hours drive from home and I've also been to Horse Shoe bend a couple of times and Bentonville. Admittedly I went as a visitor each time, to each place. I wasn't treated rudely when I asked questions, but several times, (in all three locations) my perception was that the folks were really telling me that if I didn't buy ( yes, buy, not make) the right equipment, and be able to provide documentation for my gear and personna, I wouldn't be allowed in the group. At Toulouse I was even advised to take French lessons!) This attitude stuck in my mind and is remembered more quickly than the positive experiences are.

My considering rather than acting, is based on my fears that this attitude might be prevalent. I don't have a chip on my shoulder and I don't have a bad attitude. I'm just cautious before I expend a lot of time, energy and money into sometthing that I might be better off not doing. I firmy believe that if you agree to play a game and you know the rules before hand, then you should follow the rules.

I hope I can go to another event and have a great impression when I leave. I am planning on visiting the Southeastern next month as a matter of fact. I'll not take a chip on my shoulder, but having been bitten by one dog serves to remind me that the next dog I approach might just bite too. Having said that, I would never kill all of the dogs just 'cause one of them has fleas.

Again, my apologies for any offense.
Claude..good post. I don't feel singled out at all. I can easily understand where you're coming from. Sure didn't mean to pour salt in a wound and it's obvious I did. Please accept my apologies. Most of what I said was indeed "tongue in cheek". Sorry it didn't come across that way. I did use the term PC Nazis because I've seen it used many times before, you're correct there, but I don't think it's synonomus with reenacter, at least not in my mind. (By the way, I don't like "Smoke Nazis or Fashion Nazis either.)

I have been to a few events, mostly Ft Toulouse since it is only an hours drive from home and I've also been to Horse Shoe bend a couple of times and Bentonville. Admittedly I went as a visitor each time, to each place. I wasn't treated rudely when I asked questions, but several times, (in all three locations) my perception was that the folks were really telling me that if I didn't buy ( yes, buy, not make) the right equipment, and be able to provide documentation for my gear and personna, I wouldn't be allowed in the group. At Toulouse I was even advised to take French lessons!) This attitude stuck in my mind and is remembered more quickly than the positive experiences are.

My considering rather than acting, is based on my fears that this attitude might be prevalent. I don't have a chip on my shoulder and I don't have a bad attitude. I'm just cautious before I expend a lot of time, energy and money into sometthing that I might be better off not doing. I firmy believe that if you agree to play a game and you know the rules before hand, then you should follow the rules.

I hope I can go to another event and have a great impression when I leave. I am planning on visiting the Southeastern next month as a matter of fact. I'll not take a chip on my shoulder, but having been bitten by one dog serves to remind me that the next dog I approach might just bite too. Having said that, I would never kill all of the dogs just 'cause one of them has fleas.

Again, my apologies for any offense.

I'm glad that you didn't take my post the wrong way. I just happened to click on your post when deciding to vent my frustration. :peace:

I know there are those in the sport that spend way too much time telling others what to do, but they are the minority.

Let me give one example of my experience... My son and I are at an event and it rained for two days straight. We spent those days soaked from the knees down. Some guys put on running shoes to save their moccasins, but my son and I chose to wear our moccasins and experience the reality of "period correctness". Now, as for the guys that put on their running shoes... nobody said anything to them. I even saw one guy wearing a plastic poncho! It was their choice and this was not a juried event. Nobody cared.

Now, because this was not a juried event and it was obvious that those putting on the event allowed this non-PC stuff, had someone told them that their shoes were not "correct" they would have been met with a big "FU". That's how you deal with people who stick their nose in your business. ::
Claude, it seems I might have opened a can of worms by using the term PC Nazis and it wasn't intended to be thataway. We used the term years ago and I believe the phrase may have been popularized by the "Soup Nazi" on Seinfeld . I'm not at all agin the "thread counters". They are the ones who have done a lot of research and take pride in what they do. I would just warn the uninitiated that from time to time they will cross paths with some arrogant so and so who will make their lives miserable if they let them. I've seen this kind even in the "farb" camps. If I have offended any who are Period Correct and work hard at their persona I am extremely sorry. I have nothing but respect for someone who invests a large portion of their time to put together an authentic character and to educate dill holes like me.
Who else has "given up" trekking/re-enacting. Why?

I sure some people have to let go because of medical reasons...

Others loose the passion for reenacting...

Bottom line, people change, change is not always a good thing...
Claude, it seems I might have opened a can of worms by using the term PC Nazis and it wasn't intended to be thataway.

No problem. I do understand why the term has come to be. There are those who just can't mind their own business and think they know everything. I run into these people in every facet of life, not just reenacting.

The only people allowed to count my threads are the one's putting on a juried event and that's only because I accept the rules going in. Everyone else should mind their own business, unless I ask for their opinion. If I ask, then I have to accept whatever criticism or praise I might receive. Now, that doesn't mean a friend can't offer a little unsolicited "constructive criticism". We're all still learning and I do want to know if I'm doing it wrong. I guess it boils down to who's doing the criticizing and how they're doing it. :winking:
I am guilty of repeating that term as well and if it offended anyone I apologize. I have run into several that fit the description and I think (hope) they are a minority. None of us can truly relive the past in total accuracy. But some sites and events have rules and if you want to join you need to follow them--unfortunately for many, the rules are known only to a chosen few, not advertised too well, and little or no effort is made to mentor newcomers in the acceptible things. At some sites, the door doesn't seem open to newcomers, the elite are somehow above it all. Reminds me a lot of certain fraternities back in college. There are three solutions if you really want to take part: (1) find someone in the group willing to help you prepare; (2) study on your own and prepare yourself or (3) find a friendlier group if 1 and 2 don't work out. I am presently doing 3 while working on 2.

Claude, it seems I might have opened a can of worms by using the term PC Nazis and it wasn't intended to be thataway.

No problem. I do understand why the term has come to be. There are those who just can't mind their own business and think they know everything. I run into these people in every facet of life, not just reenacting.

The only people allowed to count my threads are the one's putting on a juried event and that's only because I accept the rules going in. Everyone else should mind their own business, unless I ask for their opinion. If I ask, then I have to accept whatever criticism or praise I might receive. Now, that doesn't mean a friend can't offer a little unsolicited "constructive criticism". We're all still learning and I do want to know if I'm doing it wrong. I guess it boils down to who's doing the criticizing and how they're doing it. :winking:
Hey riverrat,
When you are at the southeastern, look up the booshway, his name is charlie,a real good guy. Also look up the head dog solider, afeller named William Wilson, he is a very correct feller and a super nice and helpful man. Tell them Wil from the Ill country sent ya. These guys will change your mind about us theard counters.

"History preserved, though knowledge shared."
Claude, it seems I might have opened a can of worms by using the term PC Nazis and it wasn't intended to be thataway.

No problem. I do understand why the term has come to be. There are those who just can't mind their own business and think they know everything. I run into these people in every facet of life, not just reenacting.

The only people allowed to count my threads are the one's putting on a juried event and that's only because I accept the rules going in. Everyone else should mind their own business, unless I ask for their opinion. If I ask, then I have to accept whatever criticism or praise I might receive. Now, that doesn't mean a friend can't offer a little unsolicited "constructive criticism". We're all still learning and I do want to know if I'm doing it wrong. I guess it boils down to who's doing the criticizing and how they're doing it. :winking:

Thanks Claude,.... This also brings me back to what I stated on a different (yet simular) thread,.... if the event is a "non-juried event", any thread-counters are over-step'n the "bounds" and are doing so by "self-appointment only".

The "trick" is,... figger'n out if the fella is try'n to be helpful, or a "total jerk"!! :imo:

Always read the "rules" when think'n of attend'n an advertised event, they are ther for a reason!!

The "trick" is,... figger'n out if the fella is try'n to be helpful, or a "total jerk"!!

No trick rolling. If the feller comes up and starts in on you about your camp,clothing,or your wepon,and its not a dog solider, then you tell him to get his happy #@$&%*# back to his own camp and shut his piehole.
If a feller comes up and invites you over to his camp for a cup of coffee,a taste of what ails ya, or dinner, then you shake his hand and head on over. Once there you might be able to ask some questions, or receve some freindly advice. This is just my way of doing things.


"History preserved, through knowledge shared."
The "trick" is,... figger'n out if the fella is try'n to be helpful, or a "total jerk"!!

No trick rolling. If the feller comes up and starts in on you about your camp,clothing,or your wepon,and its not a dog solider, then you tell him to get his happy #@$&%*# back to his own camp and shut his piehole.
If a feller comes up and invites you over to his camp for a cup of coffee,a taste of what ails ya, or dinner, then you shake his hand and head on over. Once there you might be able to ask some questions, or receve some freindly advice. This is just my way of doing things.


"History preserved, through knowledge shared."

OH!!!... I fully agree!!!.... "if the feller comes up and starts in on you about your camp,clothing,or your weapon,and its not a dog solider,"..... it's no "trick" a'tall to recognise him as be'n a member of the "total jerk" species. :haha: :haha:

Mr. BrownBear,
Must be an "Alaskan" thing" as we share a similar attitude regarding this matter. At my age, have slowed down a bit but do not take kindly to unasked for advice regarding the number of stiches per inch on my clothing, for instance.
By the same token, I would not attend a juried event just for that reason; out of respect for those who do enjoy that sort of thing. To each his own and may you have a great time pursuing your chosen path.
Best Wishes