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Maybe the answer is to shoot the " sinapoo Types" whatever that is????

Sinapoo is an enviromentalist organization of humans who are wolf lovers. I misspelled it, correct spelling is Sinapu. Sinapu was merged with Wild Earth Guardians. Probably for financial reasons. Here is there web site;

Wild earth guardians

I'm sure they would love to lift your post suggesting we shoot them and use it in their own sel serving context.

To be honest. I ran across the web site I posted by accident. I honestly didn't know there was a wolf problem. That's why I asked what you guys thought of it. I don't know if it's bull or not. I am concerned if it's a real problem. I'm also very concerned if it's true that the wolves are moving into Colorado. I like Elk meat. :grin:

As for your other post on tracking?

My pops was a hell of a tracker. I used to tell him he must have some Indian in him.

He taught me everything he knew. What I saw looked like Wolf. I was at 10,000 ft. I saw three separate tracks. It was snowing hard and the tracks couldn't have been more that 1/2 hr old, because the snow had just started when I saw them. I wasn't too worried, because my dog was with me. He would have been alerted if they were close. Just to be safe I didn't hang around.

It was kind of funny I found that web site when I got home. I was told by a ranger that Co. didn't have wolves. Which was why I studied the tracks so close. I saw some deer tracks going in the same general direction. If they were wolves, i'm sure they were tracking the deer.

If they weren't. I'm sure they weren't dogs.

I'm going back up there after lunch.
I checked out that link out of curiosity and those hippies are even trying to protect prairie dogs. Really? From what I've heard those things are incredibly over populated out west.
Funny thing is that they are most overpopulated in suburban and semi rural settings. Shooting is not an option under those conditions. There are also quite a few on private land in the eastern half of the state (prairie land). Most farmers and ranchers eliminate them.

When the weather is warm, the fleas on them are a major source of bubonic plague. We always have a few cases of plague in humans every summer. The big plagues of the middle ages were caused by rats carrying the fleas.

These kind of outfits are not so much about concern for animals as they are about trying to control human behaviour! They also create jobs for themselves the salaries of which are paid for by the donations they get. They rely on mis-representations and mis-information to raise money.

They are ever expanding their areas of "interest", all of which are pretty much anti human activity and behaviour. Case in point; the rant about coal mining in WY.
If I had known what this was, I would not have written the post. I have no interest in shooting people, nor in encouraging other people to do so.

These self-described naturalists simply are short in their full education about wildlife. I had to take a biology course in college, taught by some of the PETA types, and whenever I challenged their biased lectures, they backed down, and admitted that they were not sharing all the information about the wildlife they were discussing, and intentionally putting people- especially hunters- in a bad light.

I always asked them, in front of the class, what their personal background was- ie., where they grew up, and NOT ONE of them had grown up on a farm or ranch, where predators were a real threat to the family's income, and everyone shot predators on sight. They had all grown up on Disney Movies, and that was the source of their ignorance. It goes on today. When I told one Chicago resident visiting a local park that we had beaver in our "lake" not 300 feet from where she was standing, she insisted that this was not true- that the beaver were extinct. I asked her how she learned that, and she proudly claimed that in her American history class, she learned that the Mountain men had " Trapped out " all the beaver. She just assumed that "Trapped out" meant the same thing as killing them all. :shocked2: :youcrazy: :rotf: :surrender: :hmm: :thumbsup: I had to send her over to see the den before she believed me that we had beaver alive and well all throughout the county( including inside Champaign-Urbana.)
Wolves are a disease that is infecting the whole north west. I understand that Idaho Fish and Game is down over 6 million dollars in revenue due to decreased sales of tags due to wolves. Non- residents do not want to buy tags that is simple fact. Our deer hunting is poor in most of the units south of the Salmon river. Our elk hunting is very poor everywhere north of I-84. I have seen what wolves will do with my own eyes. I hate wolves and long for the day we exterminate them for ever. I will be there with a call and a centerfire rifle. I took these pictures while I was deer hunting. I came over a hill and saw two wolves playing tug a war with this young and healthy buck. I wish there would have been a season that day for wolves. Ron




We have some wolves and mountain lions that live behind my farm here in ND. They don't do half the damage the coyotes do. The coyotes have been tremendiously damaging the last couple of years. We have even been encouraged by our local DNR agents to kill them. I found 2 fawn hip bones in a coyote den on my farm this year.
Saw a Wolf north of Gunnison Co while Bow hunting. That was prob 10 years ago. Larry Wv
The coyotes are slaying the Deer around here. Expect the wolves are doing a number on all the game. Larry Wv
The difference is Coyotes can be hunted year around and all over Colorado. No restrictions at all. Kill as many as you want. Which I do. I'm not sure about other states. Nobody should complain about coyotes if they don't hunt them all the time.

Wolves are different for some stupid reason. They have protection from the idiots. Probably because they look like their pet Husky. :shake:
Capper said:
However, nature needs to be kept in balance. Sometimes it doesn't work out that way naturally. I don't know for sure, but the balance seems to be going in favor of the wolves.

If that's the case. They should be hunted until balance is restored.
I've often wondered how it is that when the white man showed up what we think of today as game animals were thick as fleas. Millions of buffalo, huge herds of elk, untold deer of several species, so that you could take off in any direction and be assured of shooting your supper, every day, day in and day out. Yet, if you read contemporary accounts, such as that by Audubon, wolves were there in great abundance, great roving packs of them. The game animals were obviously thriving to a high degree, and the system was in beautiful balance, but how was that possible without us and our guns to protect them from the wolves?

In VT we use to have a law, that we could shoot any dog running deer! But you had to catch them in the act . . .
It used to be the same here, but I don't know if that included wolves. The animal rights wierdos would have a field day with that one.
Spence10 said:
I've often wondered how it is that when the white man showed up what we think of today as game animals were thick as fleas. Millions of buffalo, huge herds of elk, untold deer of several species, so that you could take off in any direction and be assured of shooting your supper, every day, day in and day out. Yet, if you read contemporary accounts, such as that by Audubon, wolves were there in great abundance, great roving packs of them. The game animals were obviously thriving to a high degree, and the system was in beautiful balance, but how was that possible without us and our guns to protect them from the wolves?


Spence, Now that is common sense. And we would all pay an arm and two legs turn back the clock so we could hunt some virgin territory where there were not human hunters but plenty of 4-legged predators.

In the end, some people - a lot of people - just hate wolves because they have to hate something. At least that's the only thing that makes sense to me.