When adding the forward lock bolt, use a short wood screw with a bolt head to simulate a bolt. The short screw will locate the side plate but not interfere with the ramrod.
Ask around the with the guys that are in your group, get some feed back.Im wanting to present to the public. Im switching from CW to rev war era.
The bottom line is that is sorta OK but you can do better. I would try to find a more representative gun if you have the money. I have certainly seen far worst at events.Hi,
In my opinion it does not represent a gun likely to have been encountered during the Rev War. It is an odd mix of late 18th and early 19th century British fowler styling and some sort of "barn gun".
Some 17c locks had very little inlay of the lock plates so three side nails arn't rare The famous Scottish Breadalbane gun being one known example Not to disparage your summation. you are allways ammusing. If you read Hamilton's 'Colonial frontier guns ' its full of restocked got up from old parts guns .The five civilized tribes by 1800 did have gunsmiths and many employed in restocking old guns. The use of random parts to assemble a gun may have been common. So a school May be missing.
We know of guns today that have ad hoc repairs and miss matched parts
This is just speculation not proof, but combination of styles may not be unlikely
One lock bolt had to be tried first some where. Seventeenth century guns often sported three bolts, till some bright boy said I bet two will be ok.
Make a pie. Cut a slit in the crust to let ou the steam, then two more cause mama did it that way
This is just wandering mind while waiting for the floor I just mopped to dry so I can rinse it
As said I was just speculatingSome 17c locks had very little inlay of the lock plates so three side nails arn't rare The famous Scottish Breadalbane gun being one known example Not to disparage your summation. you are allways ammusing. If you read Hamilton's 'Colonial frontier guns ' its full of restocked got up from old parts guns .
Regards Rudyard
I’ve got someI like the trade gun style sheet brass butt plate idea.
Nailed on would be correct I believe?
Where would one get appropriate nails?
For 18th century Western NC living history remember that the frontiersmen came from all over and usually brought their firelocks with them. There would have been no one style. The Washington County Militia unit and the OVTA in your area are not overly critical about your firelock. It must be safe and reliable when firing a volley. They both have a wide assortment from Pedersoli rifles to the Bess and Charleville musket reproductions to custom made fancy reproductions. They are more critical of your clothing than your firelock. I don’t mean hand stitched critical, I mean can the audience tell what you are from 15 feet away. Modern glasses, wristwatches, Levi jeans are not good. The frontiersmen came from all over and their clothes showed it. No one style firelock and no one style outfit.
If you want to understand what the Rev War era rifles that were made in NC really were, get William Ivey’s book “North Carolina Schools of Longrifles 1765 – 1865”. The book has over a hundred color illustrations of the real thing and the variety is amazing. The styles changed almost by decade as more people flowed into NC. The ‘Appalachian School’ rifles are mostly one lock bolt, no patch box, no butt plate and plain styling. The “Catawba School” (Appalachian foothills) firelocks had many one lock bolt and no butt plate. There were nine ‘schools’ of gunsmiths in NC. Each were building what the customer wanted. Even the ‘Bear Creek School” in south eastern NC made firelocks with one lock bolt and no butt plate. People bought what they could afford and the gunsmiths made firelocks for every taste and wallet.
Don’t worry about any one person’s opinion, do some primary source research and talk to your unit. All units want new members and will encourage you. Join the Overmountain Victory Trail Association (ovta.org) for $15 and come to our Annual Meeting at 10 am on January 22nd at the Rocky Mount State Historic Site, 200 Hyder Hill Rd, Piney Flats, TN 37686.
From what I can see from the small pictures, it looks like it has an octagon to round barrel, which was common in the "smooth rifle" firelock. That was not a rifle that had been shot smooth but rather it was a smoothbore made in the style and shape of a rifle. Commonly they had the cheek rest of a rifle, while "fowler" and muskets did not. Your's doesn't have that and although it seems to have an octagon to round barrel, I concur with PathfinderNC that it looks more like a fowler than anything else. The one place that is noticeably out of place for sure in the AWI is the lack of the lockplate. That washer for a lockplate is more of an 1820's thing. Also, a rear sight is an absolute MUST on a rifle.It looks more like a Fowler than a rifle![]()
I am building a David Kennedy rifle based (loosely) on a David Kennedy butt stock from July 1837. I may have to get the Ivey book to better document my build.Welcome too the Forum and a great book too reference… The Kennedy School being my personal favorite of the book…
MyFamily roots have ties too Mechanics Hill area on both sides..
David Kennedy is buried less than 15 miles from where I grew up in NW Alabama..
The Kennedy gun manufacturing site in Greenhill Al was located some 400 yards from my parents graves…
Wound a little tight there, are we? You've won some sort of 'special' award, for shoe horning the word 'Nazi' into a totally nonpolitical thread...But standards mean judgment and judgment is now a bad thing.......
At least to those who now refer to anyone espousing something they don't like as a Nazi. Though they are the 1st ones to want to erase or ignore any reminders of the horrors that real Nazis committed and rewrite history in general.
So folks, remember, no standards and no judgements... When you head to the new gender neutral F&I event, go ahead and wear polyester pink and neon green skirt and a toga for a hunting shirt, be sure to carry a long full stalk sunflower instead of a longrifle because guns are bad (this judgements is allowable), and find an environmentally responsible substitute for a powder horn (can't hurt that cow or bull), accessorize with a sustainable hemp fabric "shot pouch."
Unfortunately no short ball starter is allowed. Not for lack of historical correctness, but the act of forcing it into the muzzle symbolizes rape and male domination.
I can't stand our current "society"
We make me sick.
Many guns militia might carry couldn’t take a bayonet at that time, in that case a man needed to have a tomahawkCan you put a bayonet on it?
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