Your take on the NRA

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Greetings all,

Most of my family have been members of the NRA for generations. I have been a life member for over 20 years.

However, I went through a period when I was pretty angry with the NRA due to their anti government and anti law enforcement attitudes. The organization seemed as if it were being run by a bunch of whackos for a while. I felt that the NRA chose to trumpet the causes of some unsavory characters. I am picky about people and causes that I will embrace.

However, I do support the 2nd amendment and the NRA is the big dog on that block. They have also improved their rhetoric over the past few years.

I also support and appreciate the Youth Hunter Education Challenge, the Eddy Eagle and other such youth oriented initiatives.

Besides, if one leaves, then they lose their voice as they send in a shredded card. I chose to stay and keep my voice and my vote so as to influence the future. Isn't that the American way?

I say that we should all join and also sign up as many people as we can. Our voice has been heard in the past few elections -- now is not the time to relax. Push the pendulum the other way for a change. Product liability laws need to be amended, range closures due to lead concerns need to be halted, school rifle teams need to be encouraged.

Oh well, y'all get the idea.

I suppose I should weigh in on this one too... I was a member when I first took up shooting in the mid 70's (I started very late). Joined the Illinois State RA too. Kept the membership up until unemployment forced a choice between shooting and rent. Didn't think of going back for various reasons, mostly some of the political stances and candidates the NRA was supporting didn't quite sit well with my philosophy at the time.

4 years ago I was asked to be Shooting Sports Director at a Scout camp, and quickly remembered how much fun I had been missing, and found a new love for frontstuffers. Rejoined the NRA to get the discount on Instructor materials and the magazine. I still have some issues with which battles the NRA selects to fight and those on which they fold like a bad poker hand, and the amount of junk mail, videos, and other stuff they send.

BUT!!! they're still the big dog on the porch, and I do support the Educational stuff, Eddie Eagle, etc when and as I can afford it.


ps- :imo: :m2c: the Illinois bunch (ISRA) can take a flying leap for all I care about that bunch of worthless do-nothings suckling at whatever teat offers the biggest donation to the 'where's mine' fund.
Like a lot of you, I don't agree with everything the NRA says and does, but am still a member. My uncle payed my first year membership when I was 12. Later I got upset with them and droped my membership for a couple years but went back. I've been a member for 30 years or so. I may not agree with everything but I feel it's in my best intrest as a gun owner to support the NRA.
Roundball said the following:
"But I don't put NRA stickers on the windows of my car.
PS: But I've used bumper stickers all my life like:
"when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns"
"guns don't kill people, people kill people"
"criminals prefer unarmed victims"

I'd like to add a bumper sticker that I had on my truck up until I sold it about two years ago.
"Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my gun."
Now I have a bumper sticker that says:
"Proud member of the vast right wing conspiracy."