very very nice. i too was sorry i missed. it.
but it went to a good home. well done

I appreciate thatThat is a fantastic ending to an interesting start. You have definitely honored the builder and Mr. Callahan must be very happy. Great job.
Thank you Splitear!What a beautiful piece of work! Fantastic!
Thanks Hatchet-Jack! From a find builder as yourself the that is a great compliment!This turned out very nice Bob. I love everything about it.
I use an Exacto knife which lets me get close. Water swelling does the restHandsome fowler and nicely executed. Your metal to wood fit is very very good.
Thank you 54ball- I am also not sure if the wood is Curly Red Maple of Cherry. If you look back at the early pics you can see right away that it looks more like Cherry in color and grain, but with so much curl I couldn’t convince myself of it. Nonetheless it’s a nose stock wood he selected for the gun.What a wonderful gun!!!
It’s fantastic.
I suspect curly walnut. It is not maple. It could be curly cherry.
Personally I have never seen “curly cherry”.
Again it’s a great gun.
One of the most difficult builds is finishing a started project. There’s a lot to it. A lot more than most think. It’s always easier to start fresh in most cases.
Great job!!!