Black powder revolver for protection

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Highest per capita gun deaths
mississippi: 28.6 per 100,000
Followed by Louisiana,Wyoming, Alabama,Alaska,New Mexico, Arkansas (22.6) Aren't most of these red states??
Lowest: Hawaii (3,4),Massachusettes 3.4, New Jersey 5, Rhode Island 5.1, New York 5.3, Connecticut 6
Seems like democrat states have far fewer gun deaths per 100,000

Maybe facts arent pretty but they do make a point. Centers for Disease control, and United Nations and Wisevoter (collection site) pretty much show that higher gun ownership and ability to carry equals more people getting shot. Additionally the UN data shows clearly that Americans are far more likely to be shot than anyone on the globe (you'd think a few african countries might give us a run for 1st place but coups and genocide are relatively short whereas we shoot each other every single day).
Maybe you need the facts,here's some. is what drives Americas gun violence notice anything?
All blue here is another fact if you remove the top 15 democrat cities from the equation American falls into the mid 150's ranking for countries with the highest gun crimes.
May wanna look into this deeper.
Eterry has a great point right there about wagon vs car. Last July 4th I won a SARS 9mm umnetionable in a wounded vets raffle. 363 days later (and after several attempts) I still cant find where to put the caps so I must either get training or trade off for a bigger CNB pistol. Leaning trade actually. Have a .45 acp unmentionable, dont need two.
what on earth does need have to do with it?:ghostly::ghostly:
Highest per capita gun deaths
mississippi: 28.6 per 100,000
Followed by Louisiana,Wyoming, Alabama,Alaska,New Mexico, Arkansas (22.6) Aren't most of these red states??
Lowest: Hawaii (3,4),Massachusettes 3.4, New Jersey 5, Rhode Island 5.1, New York 5.3, Connecticut 6
Seems like democrat states have far fewer gun deaths per 100,000

Maybe facts arent pretty but they do make a point. Centers for Disease control, and United Nations and Wisevoter (collection site) pretty much show that higher gun ownership and ability to carry equals more people getting shot. Additionally the UN data shows clearly that Americans are far more likely to be shot than anyone on the globe (you'd think a few african countries might give us a run for 1st place but coups and genocide are relatively short whereas we shoot each other every single day).
Figures don't lie; but liars figure!

Someone is doing a lot of figuring here!
Highest per capita gun deaths
mississippi: 28.6 per 100,000
Followed by Louisiana,Wyoming, Alabama,Alaska,New Mexico, Arkansas (22.6) Aren't most of these red states??
Lowest: Hawaii (3,4),Massachusettes 3.4, New Jersey 5, Rhode Island 5.1, New York 5.3, Connecticut 6
Seems like democrat states have far fewer gun deaths per 100,000

Maybe facts arent pretty but they do make a point. Centers for Disease control, and United Nations and Wisevoter (collection site) pretty much show that higher gun ownership and ability to carry equals more people getting shot. Additionally the UN data shows clearly that Americans are far more likely to be shot than anyone on the globe (you'd think a few african countries might give us a run for 1st place but coups and genocide are relatively short whereas we shoot each other every single day).
I recommend you move to the south side of Chicago, or if not how about east St Louis.
You can spend what's left of your soon to be shortened life convincing the denizens of the area that pacifism is righteous and to vote for more gun control.
Do you have any crime where you live. I live in a risky part of the country. I want to be able to protect me and my love ones should the threat present itself. Do you ever leave the house ?
Yes there is crime and I've lived in far worse places as well. If you happen to be stuck in a genuinely rough place, carry away, you may actually need to. Most guys going on about carrying guns don't live in bad areas, they talk themselves into carrying by saying "oooh! you never know what'll happen!" or the tried and true "I gotta protect my family from (insert group here)" Point is, most of us don't need to, we want to and it's connected to a need to feel badass. I'm not the original headbreaking badass, in fact I am generally laid back and try good manners first. I've been all over the world and lived and worked in some certifiably lousy places and still, I've never felt the need to carry. I have, however, broken most of the bones in my right hand over the past 40 years when good manners weren't sufficient. Still never wanted the gun. I like guns, I like to shoot but I feel that this propensity for some people to equate manhood with being armed is dangerous to others and to our shooting sports. I do agree with the idea that if we aren't going to jail execute or crucify armed criminals then we've no business keeping people unarmed. I also feel that when some ******* is waving his gun around when someone cuts him off in traffic (which wouldn't happen if a.) the ******** wasn't armed, and b.) the police and courts had taken the bad driver off the road) When some angry ******* starts waving a gun when no one is about to kill him, he should be dragged behind the courthouse and gelded with his own gun.
35 years ago i wandered into this wonderful place we call home.
needing to cash a check i went to one of the local branches of the bank i used.
standing in line, i noticed a local clad in buckskins. around his waist was a beautiful wampum belt, and suspended from it was a Walker Colt reproduction.
not a eye blink from the clerks.
got acquainted with the fellow and learned he had used that Walker three times in defense. one bear, one cougar, and one hippy.
there are only two places i don't carry. Post Office, and Court House.
if i didn't have more efficient side arm's for carry, i wouldn't feel unarmed packing a Cap and Ball. besides as i was taught, a hand gun is only needed to fight your way to a long gun.
I recommend you move to the south side of Chicago, or if not how about east St Louis.
You can spend what's left of your soon to be shortened life convincing the denizens of the area that pacifism is righteous and to vote for more gun control.
Did I say that all areas are equally safe??? No, I did not. The data clearly shows that red states have more gun deaths than blue. I'd guess if you took NYC out of NY it would alter the stats but there are a lot of areas in NYC that are completely as safe (just not east brooklyn). The stats look at a state as a whole and so, in general, you're far more likely to get shot in Miss. than in Mass. There is nothing in my comment to make you assume that I am a pacifist, if you've no cogent point to make, don't make it up as you go. I'd imagine every city has it's scummier section, don' t go there.
35 years ago i wandered into this wonderful place we call home.
needing to cash a check i went to one of the local branches of the bank i used.
standing in line, i noticed a local clad in buckskins. around his waist was a beautiful wampum belt, and suspended from it was a Walker Colt reproduction.
not a eye blink from the clerks.
got acquainted with the fellow and learned he had used that Walker three times in defense. one bear, one cougar, and one hippy.
there are only two places i don't carry. Post Office, and Court House.
if i didn't have more efficient side arm's for carry, i wouldn't feel unarmed packing a Cap and Ball. besides as i was taught, a hand gun is only needed to fight your way to a long gun.
With a walker, you don't need to fire it. It makes a fine bludgeon all by itself.
Did I say that all areas are equally safe??? No, I did not. The data clearly shows that red states have more gun deaths than blue. I'd guess if you took NYC out of NY it would alter the stats but there are a lot of areas in NYC that are completely as safe (just not east brooklyn). The stats look at a state as a whole and so, in general, you're far more likely to get shot in Miss. than in Mass. There is nothing in my comment to make you assume that I am a pacifist, if you've no cogent point to make, don't make it up as you go. I'd imagine every city has it's scummier section, don' t go there.
Take suicide out of the equation and what you have left is what you refuse to address........lolz.
Did I say that all areas are equally safe??? No, I did not. The data clearly shows that red states have more gun deaths than blue. I'd guess if you took NYC out of NY it would alter the stats but there are a lot of areas in NYC that are completely as safe (just not east brooklyn). The stats look at a state as a whole and so, in general, you're far more likely to get shot in Miss. than in Mass. There is nothing in my comment to make you assume that I am a pacifist, if you've no cogent point to make, don't make it up as you go. I'd imagine every city has it's scummier section, don' t go there.

I don't know about all of the "red" states that you speak of but the red state I live in has 2 blue cities that the majority of crimes and shooting take place in. Kinda like the saying it only takes one bad apple. If these 2 blue cities weren't in my state we wouldn't have near the problems. But if you go into one of those blue cities and especially at night you are taking a chance.
Highest per capita gun deaths
mississippi: 28.6 per 100,000
Followed by Louisiana,Wyoming, Alabama,Alaska,New Mexico, Arkansas (22.6) Aren't most of these red states??
Lowest: Hawaii (3,4),Massachusettes 3.4, New Jersey 5, Rhode Island 5.1, New York 5.3, Connecticut 6
Seems like democrat states have far fewer gun deaths per 100,000

Maybe facts arent pretty but they do make a point. Centers for Disease control, and United Nations and Wisevoter (collection site) pretty much show that higher gun ownership and ability to carry equals more people getting shot. Additionally the UN data shows clearly that Americans are far more likely to be shot than anyone on the globe (you'd think a few african countries might give us a run for 1st place but coups and genocide are relatively short whereas we shoot each other every single day).
How about Illinois, Michigan, Maryland, Pennsylvania you know Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Philadelphia those kinds of places. Remember the centers for disease control COVID propaganda. I like how they propagated gun violence as a disease something to think about there (anything to twist a issue to suite your needs) And the U.N. best thing there is kick there A33 to the curb the U.N has one goal global domination and realizes they will never accomplish that in an armed society, one can twist the numbers any way to suit ones needs. Notice I did not mention N.Y. or N.Y. city seeing as how you're from there, been on a subway lately.
Yes there is crime and I've lived in far worse places as well. If you happen to be stuck in a genuinely rough place, carry away, you may actually need to. Most guys going on about carrying guns don't live in bad areas, they talk themselves into carrying by saying "oooh! you never know what'll happen!" or the tried and true "I gotta protect my family from (insert group here)" Point is, most of us don't need to, we want to and it's connected to a need to feel badass. I'm not the original headbreaking badass, in fact I am generally laid back and try good manners first. I've been all over the world and lived and worked in some certifiably lousy places and still, I've never felt the need to carry. I have, however, broken most of the bones in my right hand over the past 40 years when good manners weren't sufficient. Still never wanted the gun. I like guns, I like to shoot but I feel that this propensity for some people to equate manhood with being armed is dangerous to others and to our shooting sports. I do agree with the idea that if we aren't going to jail execute or crucify armed criminals then we've no business keeping people unarmed. I also feel that when some ******* is waving his gun around when someone cuts him off in traffic (which wouldn't happen if a.) the ******** wasn't armed, and b.) the police and courts had taken the bad driver off the road) When some angry ******* starts waving a gun when no one is about to kill him, he should be dragged behind the courthouse and gelded with his own gun.
Nothing Bad ass about it buddy. Your N.Y. attitude is starting to show.
Definitely more of a blue city problem.
That's raw numbers not per capita. If you list the top 20 cities in population I'd bet it correlates perfectly. By that token, no crime ever happens in Montana (1,000,000 people) all crime in california (~40,000,000) . You will get little argument though that democrat run areas are softer on crime. The idea that everyone is a victim wears thin when these "victims" victimise others.
How about Illinois, Michigan, Maryland, Pennsylvania you know Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Philadelphia those kinds of places. Remember the centers for disease control COVID propaganda. I like how they propagated gun violence as a disease something to think about there (anything to twist a issue to suite your needs) And the U.N. best thing there is kick there A33 to the curb the U.N has one goal global domination and realizes they will never accomplish that in an armed society, one can twist the numbers any way to suit ones needs. Notice I did not mention N.Y. or N.Y. city seeing as how you're from there, been on a subway lately.
Man, I'm not wasting time arguing conspiracy theories. Don't like the fact that red states seem to have more gun deaths, ok, blame it on hillary's emails. Whatever floats your boat.
When someone tells me I don’t need to carry because the odds are I will never need to use my sidearm I ask them if they have fire insurance on their home. They always answer yes of course, then I ask if their home ever burned down or if they personally know anyone whose home ever burned down? It usually leaves them scratching their head and mumbling as they walk away.
Also, I don't carry to feel manly, no one other than my wife ever knows I’m packing and I hope to keep it that way. Remember though, when seconds count the police are minutes away, if they bother to respond.
As far as staying out of bad places there have been shootings in schools, playgrounds, malls you name it. Not all were in bad neighborhoods and not all bad people stay in their bad neighborhoods. I’ll be damned if I’m going to be a victim because I left my gun at home to make some liberal feel better.
This crops up every few months. Before modern medicine when everyone moved at 2-4 mph, doctors were scarce, wound care was "well if he don't die he'll be OK, get a poltice from Granny Smith and keep it moist" CNB revolvers certainly beat a single shot, knife, or club.
An interesting thing I discovered was the CNB 44 has almost identical energy as today's 38 special, the 36 is equal to the 32 Long, the 31 equal to a 22 LR, give or take.

We had a pack of feral dogs on our property, fought them 2 years. I found one and had my '60 Army. It was wounded from its last chicken raid.
I hit it with a RB about 15 yards, surprisingly. It fell but got up. I closed and set it on fire from powder. Four rounds and still on its feet.

I gave up all thoughts of self defense with a CNB right there.

I worked one death and one non fatal shooting with black powder guns. Placement is vital.

Would you carry your sick grandchild to the hospital by horse drawn wagon if you had a car in the drive, because your great grandpa did?

You can't call ALIBI in a gunfight, no do overs. I survived two by God's grace and outhouse luck. I want the most powerful, easy to operate, accurate, thing that's easy to reload. Six shots don't last long when there's incoming fire.
I would carry a tactical nuclear weapon if I could just find a damn holster….
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