I’ve been carrying since the mid 1970s, but from what you are posting, appears there is much I can learn.
For concealed carry, I consider the 58, even one with a 5-1/2 barrel, on the large size. I would love to see the rig you use. I have a number of 58s in a variety of flavors, and know that one with a 5-1/2” barrel weighs in at over 2.5 pounds (40.4 oz) empty. It’s about 11.50” long, 5.75” high and about 1.62” wide….
My personal everyday carry choices are an 8.3 oz (.52 pounds) pocket pistol that’s 5.2” long, 3.5” high and .77” wide. It holds 6+1 and easily disappears in a pocket (an empty 58 percussion cylinder at 10.4 oz (.65 lbs) weighs more than this option). My ‘larger’ option comes in at 18.5 oz (<1.2 pounds). 5.8” long, 4.3” high and 1” wide. It’s 10+1.
I am not disputing the effectiveness of a 58 in 44/45 caliber that goes off. I just question how one would easily carry and conceal it. Maybe open carry? Now if one is working around legal restrictions, that’s a different story, but that doesn’t seem to be your argument, or has something been missed? Legal ramifications would not change if one uses a ‘modern’ handgun or a percussion revolver if used negligently.
Please show us your concealed carry rig for your 58 with a 5-1/2” barrel.