Good advice here. I took the advice of a member and ordered one of the CO2 ball blowers from Dixie with a recent order of round balls, I already have a ton of CO2 from AirSoft, and pellet guns. Figured I'd need it at some point. I haven't found a ball puller I like yet, most, like the one I have for the 1861 Springfield are just a wood screw. If you have one that your really like post a picture or link please. I'd like a .69 caliber brass button on it, so it starts in the ball center, not cocked from being too small for the bore. I can make a brass button for one if need be though. I'd like to use worm, puller, etc on steel ram rod that came with my Charleville. It looks like I'd need a thread adapter though. I need to size the thread on the factory Pedersoli ram rod. I've got screw in type gauge to do that. Been meaning to actually. I'm guessing it's metric. Actually, I'm kind of glad it's winter, I don't hunt anymore, and the Holidays and family affairs have had me very busy. Otherwise, I would have been in a big hurry and rushed to shoot my first Flintlock and smoothie. Rushing, is when I start screwing up! And, trust me, if I'm tired I can do it just as well, in a hurry or not. Brain farts suck! But, they are a fact of life for most of us.
I Iiked that tip on doctoring up your ball puller Stumpkiller!
You guys feel our pain! Appreciate that! For most, you have BTDT, or at least had or seen a bud do it!
I got to say, if in the OP's position, I'd have already let loose with some of Ralphie's dad's working on the furnace language by now! Golden Retriever would go to her out of the way, dad must be watching the news again spot! LOL