Usually. If I understand correctly it is caused by something in the barrel that plugs the bored there is no way out except by shattering the steel of the barrel.
When I saw good folks having to use a hammer or mallet to pound a patched ball down barrel whether the up coming powder explosion gases will still be able to find itshoprfull rifle bore.I felt a need to move away from these folksThat's why I began the practice of a quick wipe in and out of the barrel would remove any obstruction.
Shortly thereafter the other reason for wiping became obvious.You have a fairly perfect fit of a lightly lubricated that you are using in your rifle. Each time you fire it it tends to bake on a hard layer of powder residue. so you are now firing shot after shot of an increasingly smaller bore as far as the patched balls are concerned. No consistency.
If you ball/patch combination is a bit too small. sometimes the third shot has shrunken to the point that will be the most accurate of your 4 or 5 shot string. This.of course means shots 1 and two shots saved mainly to build up that residue for the third shot. A minor waste. It is best to give a quick wipe between all shots and learn how to get that ball patch fit as perfect as possible on all shots.
Yes. there are people. lots of them who can shoot all day without wiping.. but I wonder what kind of groups they are getting.
Dutch Schoultz
Usually. If I understand correctly it is caused by something in the barrel that plugs the bored there is no way out except by shattering the steel of the barrel.
When I saw good folks having to use a hammer or mallet to pound a patched ball down barrel whether the up coming powder explosion gases will still be able to find itshoprfull rifle bore.I felt a need to move away from these folksThat's why I began the practice of a quick wipe in and out of the barrel would remove any obstruction.
Shortly thereafter the other reason for wiping became obvious.You have a fairly perfect fit of a lightly lubricated that you are using in your rifle. Each time you fire it it tends to bake on a hard layer of powder residue. so you are now firing shot after shot of an increasingly smaller bore as far as the patched balls are concerned. No consistency.
If you ball/patch combination is a bit too small. sometimes the third shot has shrunken to the point that will be the most accurate of your 4 or 5 shot string. This.of course means shots 1 and two shots saved mainly to build up that residue for the third shot. A minor waste. It is best to give a quick wipe between all shots and learn how to get that ball patch fit as perfect as possible on all shots.
Yes. there are people. lots of them who can shoot all day without wiping.. but I wonder what kind of groups they are getting.
Dutch Schoultz