Taught combat pistol & shotgun over 25 years w/sheriff's academy. Early on, at the FBI instructor course, we learned a standard paper plate is nearly identical to the kill zone on the B-27 silhouette target. For those unfamiliar, the B-27 give points almost no matter where a bullet strikes, so cadets would shoot at the whole target, not the kill zone/X ring. When we switched to stapling a paper plate over the center of mass and only scored those on the plate, scores improved much faster.
His theory was to visualize the paper plate as your target, not the life-size black silhouette. It not only works, but everyone has access to paper plates for practice. After mastering the full-size plate, we transitioned to the smaller "dessert plate". Then back to the standard B-27 for qualification.
Timed fire, starting at 7 yards, ending at 50 yards (L/R barricade, kneeling, prone, weak hand/strong hand) with duty pistol. Shoot small, hit small.
Agree with previous posters - when you can't put every shot in a paper plate, that's as far as you need to be shooting at a deer.
If you want to see shot distances shrink when hunters tell stories, use a good range finder to check the distance.
His theory was to visualize the paper plate as your target, not the life-size black silhouette. It not only works, but everyone has access to paper plates for practice. After mastering the full-size plate, we transitioned to the smaller "dessert plate". Then back to the standard B-27 for qualification.
Timed fire, starting at 7 yards, ending at 50 yards (L/R barricade, kneeling, prone, weak hand/strong hand) with duty pistol. Shoot small, hit small.
Agree with previous posters - when you can't put every shot in a paper plate, that's as far as you need to be shooting at a deer.
If you want to see shot distances shrink when hunters tell stories, use a good range finder to check the distance.